Vermont Democrat to push 48-hour waiting period


NES Member
Jun 23, 2013
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Black's mother and father want to make it very clear: They don't want this to be political. They're not part of any lobbying group and they are not anti-gun.

"We are responsible gun owners, we believe in our Second Amendment right to own guns, but we also think 'what's the big deal? What is 24 hours?'" his mother said.
48 hour waiting WHY? what reason? There is no reason for this non-sense. dipshit. There should be a 48hr waiting period for Drivers License, buying knifes, getting pills, buying alcohol. How about people who off themselves in the garage with the car running?
WTF does a 3D gun print have to do with suicide? If the guy offed himself with a home brew that would be the headline. The Black’s (family) are just being useful idiots for Baruth to double down on last years legislation.
this state senator, philip barth, looks like another new york transplant. from what I gather, came to the state 20 years ago to teach at u of v., a ucla berkley grad & brown.
They are ruining VT and VT sits by and lets it happen [sad][angry]
And I thought the "it can't happen here" crowd was bad in NH.
Mmm last time I checked 3D guns don’t come on blueprints they are a digital files. While we’re at it who the hell uaes blueprints???
This will hose the fudds. Not the 48 hour waiting period, those guys don't buy enough guns to care. Safe storage is out of character for VT. Lot of houses where the guns lean against the wall in a corner, same place last 100 years. Throw in car transport rules to get jammed up on, fudds be crying.
Looks like the pony-tailed, birkenstock wearing hippies have finally got around to finishing off the scourge of "gunz". They will become like California or New York, where the urban population centers dictate life for the entire state. Urban America is dying and has no voice in its future.
This will hose the fudds. Not the 48 hour waiting period, those guys don't buy enough guns to care. Safe storage is out of character for VT. Lot of houses where the guns lean against the wall in a corner, same place last 100 years. Throw in car transport rules to get jammed up on, fudds be crying.

Fudds don't care about any of that, 75% of them would roll over if the .gov offered them a check for their gun.....
Stick a fork in VT gun owners. They're done. If I were still a VT resident I would have helped the transgender win. It's incredible to me that a ton of supposedly pro-gun Vermonters still voted for the d-bag traitor Phil Scott even after he openly pissed down their backs. Were the mentally-ill transgender to have won, Vermont gun owners would have had two years to come up with a Pro-gun R to run against he/she/it in 2020. As bad as he/she/it would have undoubtedly f***ed up the state throughout those two years, there might have been a chance to right the ship at that time. The way things are now, Scott can now run for re-election and win as many times as he wants to. Sad times up there.
Dang! Vermont and New Hampshire were two of my contenders for retirement. Now it is just New Hampshire. Maybe one of the Carolinas or Virginia also. Need to have mountains and ocean within a reasonable drive. Not sure if I can take the heat down South, though.
The VT senate has passed S.169 which includes a 24 hour waiting period to buy a handgun. The house has scheduled a public hearing at the state house on April 2nd at 5pm.
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I thought waiting periods were already struck down in CA by SCotUS years ago and the DC carry cases addressed 'safe storage' laws already.

The NY carpet baggers in VT just can't help their inner totalitarians from coming out.
Vermont gun owners need to feed the coyotes with the rotting carcasses of these politicians.
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