“For Sale/Trade” Heads Up Thread feeler?


NES Member
Sep 7, 2013
Feedback: 47 / 0 / 0
Our knife forum is a pretty small group of mostly regulars, myself included and personally I don’t look in the Yard Sale section much, if at all, so I (we?) may be missing out on some good blade deals simply because we don’t know that they’re there.

I will start one ongoing thread here that anyone can post in so that when you are putting something up for sale, you can, if you choose to, make a short post in here just giving a heads up to the regulars so they can check it out and maybe help you sell or trade with better results.

We tried before to get a blades only sales sub-forum but it never took off for some reason or maybe it got no-go’d by the bosses IDK.

Something like this here, example only;

“Microtech Troodon going up in Yard Sale.”
“American Tomahawk going up.” and we then know where to look and how long it’s been up.

That’s it, that’s your whole post, a brief and simple heads up. Save all the details and prices for your actual classified ad.

*It keeps this sub generally clean of sales ads

*It removes any awkwardness felt by members who may want to let others know you have something good going up, but can’t really do that in here without interrupting some random thread with an even more random post

*It may help keep your post active that will otherwise be buried in 2 or 3 days by 1000 other random items

Thoughts? It’s Saturday, 100% chance of beers so all comments and insults are completely acceptable.
What I am asking… is that is there enough interest in knife sales/ trades to give that its own classified listing.

If I understand correctly you’re asking if there’s enough interest to just have an actual sub-forum for sale/trade with separate threads of knife offerings.

If that’s what you mean I would say probally not. We’re a pretty small % of members here in blades and already tried to get a sub like that started a couple years ago, I think it was Matty’s (@enbloc) idea but it never took off due to lack of interest and low activity I imagine.

It’s really not needed though since we’re a much smaller contingent than say a “Blade Forums” site, even though some of us go back and forth from here to there also.

One thread here (to rule them all lol) that can just be bumped whenever an individual needs it to be. No sub needed. No work for admin or mods. Maybe could ask for it to be made a sticky so it doesn’t sink in the mud over time.

We self moderate (act like adults) in here already, this sub has proven over the years to have probably the least amount of arguing and shit posting comments of the entire board I think and activity continues to grow.

So like look at the sub for night vision, great idea you’d think, but it’s kind of a dry hole. It won’t last much longer unless activity picks up. This sub here has already got legs, so a simple continuing thread makes more sense.
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