1911 build

I'd like to suggest Fusion Firearms. They make amazing products. Run by Bob Serva, formerly of Dan Wesson Firearms. Very nice folks and I feel their quality is amazing.
It would be a mix of parts manufacturers, however no junk parts sorcing the best parts for the best price. Currently there is no complete kit on the market. The questions this kit has already posed is I am sure the reason no one puts a kit together.
This kit will be complete small parts kit less grips, sights and magazine. It will not include the frame, slide or barrel.
All other small parts pins, springs, trigger, hammer, bevertail grip safety, main spring housing 25LPI checkring, extended thumb safety, full recoil spring rod, barrel bushing, sear, disconector and extended mag release.
Is there still intrest if so I will go ahead, order parts and start putting kits together. This is not as easy task as you might think.

I plan on doing my first 1911 build in the next year or so, and would definitely prefer to buy a parts kit from a respected manufacturer such as yourself. I'm interested in leaning how to build a 1911, not how to order parts. You would be a one stop shop, slide, frame, barrel, parts kit, I hate shopping, this could be a good thing.
I'd like to suggest Fusion Firearms. They make amazing products. Run by Bob Serva, formerly of Dan Wesson Firearms. Very nice folks and I feel their quality is amazing.

I am in the process of finishing a long slide using one of Fusion's slides. Great product, forged with cuts made for a reverse plug, dovetail fron sight and Novak low mount rear sight for $200.
I am in the process of finishing a long slide using one of Fusion's slides. Great product, forged with cuts made for a reverse plug, dovetail fron sight and Novak low mount rear sight for $200.

Very Nice! I had them build a custom Scout model in .45ACP for me a few years back and I am completely satisfied. You can feel the level of attention that went into making it.
I've build a Government using a Fusion frame and had them finish the completed gun in Matte Black Oxide. Bob is awesome to deal with whether you have questions about your build or their product and he always returns emails promptly.
Fusion sells a real nice fire control group for $95. You get a mainspring housing spring, strut, hammer, trigger, disconnecter, sear and a sear spring. It will save you about $70 and it's the same one used by SVI..
Where do you think Fusion gets there slides. frames and barrels? And Bob is a great guy.

I will have some kits put togther by Friday. Pricing will be in the $450.00 range stainless steel slightly higer. I am still working on the parts and pricing.
Contact me with your order so I can reserve a kit for you. I will need to know if you want ambi safety and or a mag well this will also increase the cost of the kit,

Gov. or Commander in stainless steel or blue not all parts will be stainless in the stainless kit. No officer kits yet they will cost a little more.
413 579 1994
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Fusion sells a real nice fire control group for $95. You get a mainspring housing spring, strut, hammer, trigger, disconnecter, sear and a sear spring. It will save you about $70 and it's the same one used by SVI..
It's only the same one used by SVI if they buy from SVI or an SVI distributor (which is unlikely at that price point).

All of the above listed parts, except the mainspring housing spring, are made in-house by SVI. I've been to the factory on numerous occasions and have seen the tooling, fixtures, and oberved most of these parts in progress as they were actually being machined or wire EDM cut.
I stopped at Remsport yesterday and got my barrel, bushing, and link; arranged to have my slide blued and told John that I'd get one of his parts kits... they really are great people there.

On another note, they are going to start marketing a mil-spec .22lr upper...I'm looking forward to seeing it... they're making some final decisions abut the parts to be used...
FYI be a little aware that just because it says "Made in the USA" by XXXX does not mean that it started in the USA. Many of the frames cast in Korea, Phillipines,Turkey or Brazil and shipped to the US as 80% frames. This mean they can be finished by adding frame rails and few other simple processes, pay the excise tax and stamp " made in the USA" on them. There are only a handfull of truly made in the USA 1911's. The ones made overseas run hot and cold mainly due to the lack of good blends of steel. Take the Norinco's which were popular in the 80's. The could run a spread of forty points on the Rockwell hardness scale.That is a lot. Turkey is now making a 1911which is being marketed by a Massachusetts company, though not in Mass. I had a chance to look it over, not bad from the outside at a distance but a close look shows casting flaws- similar to other imports. The reason the price is so low on many of these slides and frames is the cost of manufacturing. Think of the cost of running a foundry in the US with the EPA looking over your shoulder. Or using skilled workers paid a good wage. I'm happy to use many makers parts, but I find it a little dishonest to market stuff made overseas and use a technical legal loophold to hide the original country of origin. Most of the pros in the business know what's what. Greg
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Not sure this is 100% correct

Springfield frames are made in Brazil by Imbel
STI spartan frame is made by Armscor in the Philippines, the rest of their frames (1911 and 2011) are US
S&W forges their own
Kimbers are US from Jericho, they previously got them from S&W before buying Jericho
Caspians are cast by Ruger on Caspians purchased materials
Rock Island are Armscor
Les Baer, Nighthawk, Ed Brown, Fusion are from Korea
I was agreeing with your post, the "not 100% sure" was regarding my info. Re-reading it I can see were you might have thought I was questioning your info. This is not the case
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Greg, since the companies will not directly confirm or deny.

Companies with nothing to hide generally will answer directly. If you can some of the first tier companies and ask "what state is the frame material in when received at your factory", they will either get evasive or say something like "4340 bar stock". An evasive answer probably means they are have something to hide.

If you ask a question like "do you use cast or forged parts in that gun" and get an answer "yes" (which is the answer the president of a well known gun company once gave me when I asked about one of his 1911's), that's your answer. Ditto if you get an evasive answer when asking if internal parts are cast, mim, edm'ed or cnc machined. If the answer is "proprietary" that means they are hiding the info from you as their competition only has to examine a single sample to get the answer.
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God this is depressing. The 1911 is & should always be an American design. These unfortunate people (meaning us) are just trying to have a top quality, custom (American) handgun built & they can't even prove the origin of the precious, vital components. Is there nothing sacred left in this country?
God this is depressing. The 1911 is & should always be an American design. These unfortunate people (meaning us) are just trying to have a top quality, custom (American) handgun built & they can't even prove the origin of the precious, vital components. Is there nothing sacred left in this country?

Forgings and castings may come from all over the world, this is what the global market is all about. We do very little from castings only if a client specs it, almost everything we do is from forgings.
If someone has issue with any of our products we will replace it or refund your money.
For the last five years we have been a contract manufacturer for 85% of the high end 1911 industry. Many of the top brands of semi custom and custom gun companies and privet label builder's guns are built on parts manufactured for them by Remsport. It seems that there is no issue with quality or sales of these guns in the $1800.00 to $5000.00 range as far as quality parts being manufactured and supplied to these companies by Remsport Mfg..
How did this get so off track on 1911 kit I have now put together some kits.
Please check the Dealer Classified for details and photos.
I have a limited number of 1911 small parts kits available.

Thank you
413 579 1994


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