1911 front strap profiles


NES Member
Apr 1, 2005
Southern NH
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As we were discussing in this thread: http://www.northeastshooters.com/vbulletin/threads/146165-Ruger-1911/page4

different 1911s have different profiles of the front strap. Some are more blocky than others. Different people prefer different profiles. I prefer the slimmer, more rounded profile of the Kimber or Wilson. Drgrant prefers the more blocky profile of the Springfield.

This picture shows the front strap of several different 1911s:


From left to right:

- Wilson Combat Service Grade
- Colt Delta Elite
- Springfield Armory
- Kimber Custom Stainless
- Kimber Compact
- Kimber Compact Aluminum Frame
- ParaOrdnance P14-45

The differences are subtle (except for the P14 [shocked]), but the Springfield Armory is more blocky and squarish, where as the others are more rounded.
I like the slim rounded front straps, especially as my hands are not that big. The S&W 1911 series is comfortable for me.

M1911 like the collection and picture. [thumbsup]
Thanks for posting this.

Another thing I noticed is that there is also a relationship between the size of the grip panel and the front strap.

For example the Wilson front strap is curved like the Kimber but the grip panels on the wilson appear to be closer to the round part of the
strap- whereas the Kimbers sort of have that shelf. I can guarantee that I would prefer the Wilson over one of the Kimbers on that alone, because the Wilson wouldn't feel as narrow due to the way those panels taper onto the strap area.

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