Love chasing cottontails with my lab Emmit in the snow. He can do a great job of finding them in the thick stuff and pushing them toward more open areas where I have a shot.
But I know a lot of the time he's just out in front of me most likely pushing rabbits away from me.
He still loves it and there's always a chance at finding a late season pheasant running around when I've got him with me.
I was hoping the rabbit hunting would be good this afternoon with the incoming storm so I decided to take Emmit out this morning in the woods and look for some deer sheds. That way he got out of the house and got some exercise... and also so he wouldn't be as mad this afternoon when I went rabbit hunting without him. It's something I do occasionally when he needs a day off.
The plan worked... I was able to push around 4-5 different rabbis in a pretty short time.
Was able to connect with two of them.. I think the hard layer of ice on top of the snow slowed them down a little.
But I know a lot of the time he's just out in front of me most likely pushing rabbits away from me.
He still loves it and there's always a chance at finding a late season pheasant running around when I've got him with me.
I was hoping the rabbit hunting would be good this afternoon with the incoming storm so I decided to take Emmit out this morning in the woods and look for some deer sheds. That way he got out of the house and got some exercise... and also so he wouldn't be as mad this afternoon when I went rabbit hunting without him. It's something I do occasionally when he needs a day off.
The plan worked... I was able to push around 4-5 different rabbis in a pretty short time.
Was able to connect with two of them.. I think the hard layer of ice on top of the snow slowed them down a little.