250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington and Concord coming up...

And no innerweb.

Can you imagine? The Committee of Safety would have developed an app. All the patriots would have had it. At the moment the Regulars started moving, an alert would have gone out all over Middlesex.

"The Midnight Tweet Of Paul Revere."

Nowadays your ancestors would be promptly arrested for possessing "assault style firearms".

Not if everyone kept their traps shut.
Sad that it seems like no one cares. A far cry from the excitement 50 years ago. :(
I was 15. A buddy of mine and I rode our bikes from Chelmsford to the Old North Bridge for the celebration. IIRC, Carter was there, and I also recall that a giant American flag was carried over the bridge by a group of spectators, but it was not part of the script. I was under the flag as it went over the bridge. It was a long time ago.
A few years back they tried parking far away and bussing people in. Basically you spent your day mostly in the bus, stuck in traffic with long lines to get on. Not sure if they do that anymore.
My understanding is they expect as many as 1 million attendees over the month surrounding the 19th. They sound like they're planning busses again, but some of that is still in planning.
The Battle Road Tactical Demo is quite awesome - they do near "Parker's Revenge" by the Rte 2A visitor center
My understanding is they expect as many as 1 million attendees over the month surrounding the 19th. They sound like they're planning busses again, but some of that is still in planning.

I thought the courts said bussing was illegal (or not bussing illegal - whatever!) in mASS back in 1978 or so. [rofl]
There is a possibility that the royal family will attend the events. Which then opens the possibility of POTUS visit. Then it would get a SEAR (Special Event Assessment Rating) and might even turn into a NSSE (National Special Security Event). Those are public safety shit shows since the USSS is lead.

the Royal Family???? Are we gonna rub their noses in it or something????

Aside - 10 years ago, my wife and girls were in London on July 4. They went to a shop, bought some tea and took pix of themselves throwing it into the Thames. LOL
Maybe. But there was more talk aobut the stupid eclipse last year than this. It isn't that there won't be a lot of people there ON that day, but we're rounding out the 250 starting in April through the following July and you hear ZIP about it.

You don't see Woo running around with a tricorner hat, do you?

FWIW - you coudln't BUY a crappy tricorner hat back in 76. They had the black felt ROUND hats like they sell as pirate hats. You'd try and fold them and use paperclips to make them tricorner and it would fail. 7yo Dennis in MA was very sad. LOL
I've been to a couple of the dress rehearsals - the actual reenactment must be even more amazing!

I was also fortunate to have participated in a tour throughout Minute Man National Historical Park with "Fred" of Project Appleseed.

Good times!
Lexington has changed for the worse in the last 30 years. I'm 3rd generation to grow up in Lexington. My dad is one of nine and my mom one of seven. I have like 40 or 50 cousins. Not one of us still resides there. It is all libs and Chinese nationals. I used to walk to the reenactment as a kid with my buddies. I'd like to take my boy to the reenactment some day but it would probably be a disappointment.
I've been to a couple of the dress rehearsals - the actual reenactment must be even more amazing!

I was also fortunate to have participated in a tour throughout Minute Man National Historical Park with "Fred" of Project Appleseed.

Good times!

Many years ago I was riding my bike on the Minuteman Bikeway the day before the reenactment. I passed a regiment of British Soldiers marching to Battle Road Trail. I struck up a conversation with them and they were heading to an encampment to get ready for the battle the next day. While they were the enemy it was pretty cool to see them marching in formation like that. Of course we started talking about their Brown Bess rifles. They had some nice looking examples.
Is it like my town's 4th of July parade, where I'm the only one booing and hissing the redcoats marching while the rest of the people around me are politely clapping for them?

I still don't understand how anybody could still be a Loyalist all these years later.
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Many years ago I was riding my bike on the Minuteman Bikeway the day before the reenactment. I passed a regiment of British Soldiers marching to Battle Road Trail. I struck up a conversation with them and they were heading to an encampment to get ready for the battle the next day. While they were the enemy it was pretty cool to see them marching in formation like that. Of course we started talking about their Brown Bess rifles. They had some nice looking examples.
At one of the dress rehearsals a British soldier near the crowd had a sheepskin laying across his arm.

When the gun play began, he removed the sheepskin to reveal a Nerf gun and began shooting people in the crowd with darts! [rofl]

After the dress rehearsal was all over, I saw the reenactor playing Peter Salem and said to him, "The next time you see Major Pitcairn, shoot him!"

He got a chuckle out of that. :)
A Daniel Carr token struck over a 1925 Lexington-Concord Commemorative:


IF you wake at midnight, and hear a horse's feet,
Don't go drawing back the blind, or looking in the street,
Them that ask no questions isn't told a lie.
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by.

Five and twenty ponies,
Trotting through the dark -
Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk.
Laces for a lady; letters for a spy,
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by!

Running round the woodlump if you chance to find
Little barrels, roped and tarred, all full of brandy-wine,
Don't you shout to come and look, nor use 'em for your play.
Put the brishwood back again - and they'll be gone next day !

If you see the stable-door setting open wide;
If you see a tired horse lying down inside;
If your mother mends a coat cut about and tore;
If the lining's wet and warm - don't you ask no more !

If you meet King George's men, dressed in blue and red,
You be careful what you say, and mindful what is said.
If they call you " pretty maid," and chuck you 'neath the chin,
Don't you tell where no one is, nor yet where no one's been !

Knocks and footsteps round the house - whistles after dark -
You've no call for running out till the house-dogs bark.
Trusty's here, and Pincher's here, and see how dumb they lie
They don't fret to follow when the Gentlemen go by !

'If You do as you've been told, 'likely there's a chance,
You'll be give a dainty doll, all the way from France,
With a cap of Valenciennes, and a velvet hood -
A present from the Gentlemen, along 'o being good !

Five and twenty ponies,
Trotting through the dark -
Brandy for the Parson, 'Baccy for the Clerk.
Them that asks no questions isn't told a lie -
Watch the wall my darling while the Gentlemen go by !
Bring a step ladder so you can see what is going on,put your kids up near the top or they won’t be able to see a thing.My kids loved it (not) waking up at dawn to watch it in Lexington but now they appreciate it.Set them up early so they understand where thier freedom came from,30 years later they still understand.
I was 15. A buddy of mine and I rode our bikes from Chelmsford to the Old North Bridge for the celebration. IIRC, Carter was there, and I also recall that a giant American flag was carried over the bridge by a group of spectators, but it was not part of the script. I was under the flag as it went over the bridge. It was a long time ago.
Replying to my own post: I found these pictures I took from that day. Sorry for the crappy resolution, it was my Kodak Instamatic 44. Apparently security was pretty lax back then (unless those are snipers in the trees).
Anyone else flying a Bedford flag?

I orderd one to replace my Betsy Ross flag with that so my neighbors won't think I support those gay Boston Nazis flying the Betsy Ross flag.

The Bedford flag is pretty cool. If anyone is interested, only Etsy sells a 4x6. Everywhere else has 3x5.
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Anyone else flying a Bedford flag?

I orderd one tl replace my Betsy Ross flag with that so my neighbors won't think I support those gay Boston Nazis flying the Betsy Ross flag.

The Bedford flag is pretty cool. If anyone is interested, only Etsy sells a 4x6. Everywhere else has 3x5.

The original flag is almost square- 27” x 29”. It would be cool if you could buy a reproduction of similar proportions.
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I’ve been there twice for the event. I got there at 2-2:3 each time so I could see. I can’t imagine how early you would have to be for the 250th.

Oh and make sure you go to the Red Sox game at 11 after and watch the marathon stragglers after the game
Anyone else flying a Bedford flag?

I orderd one tl replace my Betsy Ross flag with that so my neighbors won't think I support those gay Boston Nazis flying the Betsy Ross flag.

The Bedford flag is pretty cool. If anyone is interested, only Etsy sells a 4x6. Everywhere else has 3x5.

I need to get me a Bedford Flag to fly.

In the meantime, this guy makes a really good Bedford Flag patch for all your tactical gear needs:
If we’re doing vexillogy I see a couple around a lot. The Flag of New England, basically red with a pine tree in the corner. Think I might fly this one.


I see the Continental Union Flag in Concord and around me a lot. For the longest time I thought it was a modern flag signifying British people living in the states. Dumb.

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