3/8/19 - Huge power outage in Venezuela raises tensions amid crisis


NES Member
Dec 19, 2005
Southern NH
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LINK: Huge power outage in Venezuela raises tensions amid crisis


...CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Much of Venezuela remained engulfed by darkness into early Friday amid one of the largest power outages in years, raising tensions in a country already on edge from ongoing political turmoil.

The blackout hit 22 of 23 states by some accounts. It struck the capital Caracas, which until now has been spared the worst of a collapse in the nation's grid, at the peak of rush hour.

Thousands of commuters flooded into the streets because subway service was stopped. A snarl of cars jammed the streets amid confusion generated by blackened stoplights. Others had to walk long distances to get home....
Cuba isn't going to be far behind when they no longer can siphon oil from Venezuela.

Has any media bothered to ask Joe Kennedy if he's going to pay back the millions he stole from starving Venezuelans as a loyal puppet of Chavez and Maduro? /oh that's right

I hope we allow him to be extradited to Venezuela some day for theft.
I bet US had something to do with it and I'm not sorry, it would happen naturally in due time anyway.

We need to fly Bernie and AOC as "humanitarian aids" and drop them over Venezuela with parachute and body cams. It would be f***ing hilarious to see how many minutes before Bernie melts down and pledges loyalty to capitalism.
I bet US had something to do with it and I'm not sorry, it would happen naturally in due time anyway.

We need to fly Bernie and AOC as "humanitarian aids" and drop them over Venezuela with parachute and body cams. It would be f***ing hilarious to see how many minutes before Bernie melts down and pledges loyalty to capitalism.
I will pay for it. I wouldn't even charge for the live stream. Shit, free popcorn and soda.
Had dinner with a few friends when a portion of them decided to chime in on prepping and how foolish it is. Articles like this, I just laugh and smile thinking of when they come my way because they know a small portion of my capabilities. Open socialists in our government now. As close as we've ever been. Newest budget in the trillions. If there is another depression around election time, people will be looking for a seriously radical solution.. Scary.
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