3 neighbors dead following snow removal dispute in PA township

Socks and sandals a clear violation of any man’s rights I wish I could pull a better videos but look at this douche bag. I’m totally OK getting shot over this event

I spent an hour trying to attach this video. Just won’t let me do it
That’s 45 minutes of my life I’ll never get back. And you guys missed out on an epic video
Put it on Amazon , gdrive, something like that, pm me tge DL link and ill put it on my vimeo channel for you
That’s what’s gonna have to happen. Ever since photo bucket broke the Internet and I stopped paying attention. Nothing works
In one of the news stories it said something about him firing warning shots before trying to hit them. Tough to tell in the video but that might explain their initial failure to react. It shouldn’t, but it might.
Yeah I spent a couple hours working on this now I have determined I need a new phone and this is the only photo/video that will load it’s a pitbull seriously looking at a duck while the wife is seriously looking at both of them. It’s a little more upbeat than snow time murder


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In one of the news stories it said something about him firing warning shots before trying to hit them. Tough to tell in the video but that might explain their initial failure to react. It shouldn’t, but it might.

I always load three blank rounds ahead of the live rounds so I can aggressively warn people to back off without worrying about garbage like what's behind them. I just point at them and shoot and just have to remember not to shoot more than three times, again...
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I always load three blank rounds ahead of the live rounds so I can aggressively warn people to back off without worrying about garbage like what's behind them. I just point at them and shoot and just have to remember not to shoot more than three times, again...

you joke, but when I first watched the video, I though he was shooting blanks just to scare them, not only because he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, but because they didn’t even flinch at having a gun drawn down on them. Totally not like the movies at all, where every shot is a one-kill head shot.

After re-watching it, his stance is all jacked up (well, he was advancing while shooting) and clearly he is point shooting (as someone else mentioned earlier)... doesn’t explain the stupid of just standing there and continuing to mouth-off ...correction, shouting “go ahead” and taunting the guy...

you joke, but when I first watched the video, I though he was shooting blanks just to scare them, not only because he couldn’t hit the broad side of a barn, but because they didn’t even flinch at having a gun drawn down on them. Totally not like the movies at all, where every shot is a one-kill head shot.

After re-watching it, his stance is all jacked up (well, he was advancing while shooting) and clearly he is point shooting (as someone else mentioned earlier)... doesn’t explain the stupid of just standing there and continuing to mouth-off ...correction, shouting “go ahead” and taunting the guy...


It did seem odd that they didn't both turn tail and run. I have no interest in watching it again but I think the "man" ran only after he was hit the first time
As good a shot as the shooter was (this is sarcasm) I think hubby *could* have rushed him and had a fighting chance to overcome him. I mean, if you're going to die anyway, frigging TRY
He did not believe the neighbour had what it took to fire - as the wife, goading him with her seething contempt. They truly got what they deserved in a primitive society. Same rules in the Mafia.
Having multiple NES accounts is like having more than one GF... while it sounds fun at first, eventually it would get complicated, I’d forget which was which, use the wrong name, and get denied from having any more fun. 🤣

I worked with a guy, years ago, that had four girlfriends.

All of them were named Lisa or near enough to that so he could nickname than to that. His reasoning was that if he slipped and said the wrong name it wouldn't matter.

Lisa, Elise, names like that.

That was his claim anyway. Maybe the names were purely coincidence
I don’t think a single one of those was a warning shot.
He wanted to shoot that husband Again point blank range with the pistol....You can see it. He’s like shit I’m out of ammo I got to go get my rifle
I don’t think a single one of those was a warning shot.
He wanted to shoot that husband Again point blank range with the pistol....You can see it. He’s like shit I’m out of ammo I got to go get my rifle

Anyone with a gun drawn down on someone and advancing toward them ripping shots off is giving off a pretty clear message I think... It’s a complete warning. I think it says pretty clearly “I intend to shoot you!”

The first shot that ever goes wizzing past me will be a clear warning to GTFO, or find some form of cover and return fire. Of course the goal is to never be in that situation in the first place
Anyone with a gun drawn down on someone and advancing toward them ripping shots off is giving off a pretty clear message I think... It’s a complete warning. I think it says pretty clearly “I intend to shoot you!”

The first shot that ever goes wizzing past me will be a clear warning to GTFO, or find some form of cover and return fire. Of course the goal is to never be in that situation in the first place
The personality defects described by what NHCraigT posted dovetail with their lack of response, they were accustomed bullying people around, not being held accountable for it... and then it eventually probably became an entitlement complex/mental illness lol..... unfortunately for them their neighbor basically out crazied them by an exponential factor... [laugh]
Attila is still on special deployment. He still in the hunt for the “real” bin Laden..
No but seriously he’s just enjoying that cushy ATF job.

You guys got me all excited like atills was back on the site...

I’m pretty sure he’s actually working for space force now

I'm in DC. It was bad for a while with the NG but it's getting a little better now.

Thinking about leaving this gig and going back to the Bureau. There's a yuge expansion planned.
What happened, the ATF fired you?
You didn't shoot enough dogs?

Some things went sideways. Moved to another "agency" but things are even weirder here. I like the weather down here better but thinking about going back to ATF if some things move the way I think they will. NEVER going back to the Bedford office!
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We have a "pair" in our Neighborhood. He's likely the result of in-breeding, drinks, very punk like. He's threatened more than one in the neighborhood including women. She's a full blown Karen screamer at the drop of a hat she's off the rails.

The crazy thing is they have such a high regard for themselves that they feel qualified for Sainthood.

My guess is most neighborhoods have a few.
Not mine thank god. Funny thing is I’m the one in the neighborhood that everyone keeps their distance from. Even funnier is I’m not even close to the guy you have to worry about. I guess I just look the part but we all get along perfectly in my neighborhood. I mow the lawn in a dress every once and a while to keep people on their toes [rofl]
I changed my mind on the facebook smileys. I [rockon]them now!

But what happened to NEG reps?

Just to give you a hint you’re missing out on the inside jokes Meant for the real Attila.

you have a point about the negative reps. I feel like there might be a little less bitching on the site if you could just give somebody the thumbs down but I doubt it would and there, we’re a rambunctious group
Just to give you a hint you’re missing out on the inside jokes Meant for the real Attila.

you have a point about the negative reps. I feel like there might be a little less bitching on the site if you could just give somebody the thumbs down but I doubt it would and there, we’re a rambunctious group

Missing? Or teasing?

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