400 yd. record 5 shot group.

Aug 2, 2009
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Group size was: .327" dead center in the target.

The guys in the Elbert County Gun Club in north east Georgia has some great shooters with great shooting rifles.

Will post picture of target when I can figure out how to do it.

Read this Thread. The .327 " target and who shot it is at bottom.

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I have it on my desktop. My son will help me when he gets a chance. I am very computer ignorant. This and one other Forum are very different than all the other Forums to add photos. The other ones all you have to do is click on add then upload and it is completed. SIMPLE.
Click the image with the tree symbol on it right above where you can type a response- 4th from the right. It asks to insert image- from computer- browse- pick the picture (double click or click once then hit open) then upload file. Its a little bit of a process, but easier than some out there!
Great shooting!
Click the image with the tree symbol on it right above where you can type a response- 4th from the right. It asks to insert image- from computer- browse- pick the picture (double click or click once then hit open) then upload file. Its a little bit of a process, but easier than some out there!
Great shooting!

Are non-green members allowed to upload pictures? That might be the issue.
Info is in this Thread. Both 600 yd. record & the 400 yd. record.


I have shot there in competition at 1,000 yds. with my 6mm Norma BR.

At 400 yds. mine shoots less than 2 inches and is a built Savage duel port target action with a 26" Brux barrel. Smallest 100 yd. group I have shot was .084".
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Meh, I've got a lot more respect for the guys who shoot service rifle than crazy one off guns from the bench. Is it a small group, sure. Is it at all practical? Nope.
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