.44-40 (Suggestions on where to find it?)

Aug 16, 2014
Haverhill, MA
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So my gf's father had mentioned last time he in New England that he stopped at Kittery Trading Post and got some .44-40 and was excited b/c he usually can't find it around him (N/E Ohio).

I was going to get him some more for Christmas but didn't know if anyone had suggestions on where to find it? I just shoot 9mm and .22 so didn't know if there were better places to find it or suggestions?

I had thought I would try a bigger place like Shooter's Outpost which seems to have a lot of everything but figured I would put out a feeler.

I am in the Haverhill, MA area but drive around the state and NH enough that I can probably find a time to hit most places if it is a decent bet they would have it in stock. Haven't really looked much but since I mostly just go to Walmart for ammo I knew it wasn't going to be there ...
I would just make a few calls first. Save some time. I don't recall noticing it anywhere, but then again I haven't been looking for it.
I've got ample virgin brass (Winchester and R-P, I believe) and about 500 count of .427" 200gr LRNFP bullets, but that doesn't get you anything to shoot.
There are about 70 old rounds in my collection, likely reloads and/or folded head cases.
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