$47 Gun-Handling Training with Certificates from Amazon Local - 3 Days only

People on the fence on this vendor should take a look at this thread:


I took my safety course with these guys because I let my original (Boston) LTC-A (Target & Sport) lapse and my current town required an updated certificate. I basically chose them since they had the earliest available class I could find at the time (I missed the Groupon deal and paid the full $95).

With that said, I would not recommend these guys to anyone who has not handled a firearm before. The class was basically one Powerpoint slide after another of embedded videos downloaded from YouTube. The amount of actual "instruction" was minimal and not even close to the original NRA safety course I took years ago when I got my Boston LTC-A.

Before the class started, one guy (probably the owner) collected money from everyone, then turned the class over to an instructor (former Army MP) and left. The only time anyone in the class touched a firearm was to stand in front of the instructor and load/unload a snap-cap on the instructor's personal Glock. That was it. There was no other hands on.

At the end of the class, the instructor signed everyone's certificate, then offered to setup the simulator by asking "if anyone is interested." No one in my class took him up on the offer since the certificates were already in hand.

I think that the owner, or whomever put together the slides, is a member of NES (or at least visited NES) because one of the final slides was NES' listing of towns and whether they are red/green.

On a side note, the instructor's stance on 2A seemed to be fine, though, and he did recommend that people join the NRA and GOAL.
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Well now we know why we have so many newbies with stupid questions that all should be covered in any MA class.
These classes are nothing but a Legal Formality.

Anyone who thinks ANY 4-four class is going to teach them enough is woefully naiive.

As such, spend as little as possible.

There OUGHT to be a book: Mass Gun Ownership for DUMMIES.
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