4th lawsuit filed

Excellent! Hang those cops. I'm tired of hearing the same old line "I thought he was reaching for a gun". Unless you physically see it is a gun then keep yours in your holster!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If the system got it right the PD would have honored the request to NOT enter the home. They could have gone to get an arrest warrant if they suspected him of something.

The system got it right in that they were indicted for murder. I was referring to the aftermath. It has not been the usual police cover-up. I was commenting on the alleged crime the officers committed i.e. the original act.
That's idiotic. Let's charge the parents of the trainer also.

So you think it's isolated? Not encouraged? The stormtrooper mentality isn't magically instilled in them by some floating entity that spritzes them with fairy dust...it's taught.

The trainers are just as guilty for not nipping this in the ass when they have a chance, they let it slide because of the "code".

Did I LITERALLY mean they should be brought up on murder charges? Jesus christ I know it's online and it's hard to decipher the meaning behind some stuff, but yeah I wasn't being completely serious. Do I think they should be put through the gauntlet and torn a new a**hole, yeah, I do...because they whole system of pushing these whackos with badges into beast mode is getting worse and nobody seems to be trying to stop it...even the trainers that technically are the ones that set up the roots these guys will have the rest of their careers. If someone wants to stop a behavior, stop it at it's source/start before the bad habits become worse.

I don't mean to come off as coarse...it's a touchy subject for everyone here. I just think they are given way too much slack, and everyone...from the top of the department all the way to the bottom, needs to be reminded they are civil servants and not a paramilitary organization, and if that means reprimanding from all angles to make an example, so be it....it might save lives in the long run.
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