7:30 George's Old Timers Net

I started a new thread to take stuff out of this one for all you purists, cause NES never gets sidetracked.

This new post would be more of a discussion about people from here talking on the Paxton repeater, but during any time OTHER than 7:30 PM ("George's"), which is this thread.

Anyways, here:
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we have a net every Sunday at 8 pm on the Sharon Repeater.
The Norfolk Radio club and the Norwood Radio club, both of which I belong to are just quick QSO's can be about anything.

These are good to know, now that I can find my way around a little better. Thanks. Just re-found this thread.

I know that I heard at least one NES person check in last night. It's great to attract new people to our little community.
I'm sure the overlap is more significant than people are willing to say.

There was a 440 machine, and that too is trying to get reactivated as well.
Any further info on this?
These are good to know, now that I can find my way around a little better. Thanks. Just re-found this thread.

I'm sure the overlap is more significant than people are willing to say.

Any further info on this?
The feds who control the site claimed that they wanted to get the 440 machine back on the air. That was 2 years ago. Supposedly, they bought new equipment, but no progress yet.
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