I've done a bunch of research on 308's, hands down, go with the SCAR. Lightweight, insanely reliable, recoils slightly more than a 5.56, super accurate, Ergonomics mimic the AR. it really is the best Battle rifle going. The only disadvantage is Mags, you have to stick with the FN Mags or buy an aftermarket lower to accept Sr-25 mags/pmags. Youtube is ur friend, tons of reviews from reputable people, everyone raves about the gun. Problem is the 17's have gone up in price, the black ones are $2500-2800 and the FDE is $3000-3400, if u can find one.
I got one on Layaway.
I've shot an HK91 and a PTR, both are heavy and recoil heavy, In my opinion, nothing great about them, i sold the HK, and i don't miss it. I hate also the no bolt hold open.
I presume no preban mags for us sloths here in MA? Seems to be a newer rifle....