70cm Call and Car emissions


NES Member
Aug 19, 2019
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I've done some googling, but didn't find anything. I've got a Baofeng that I just scan the programmed channels (local repeaters, etc.) when I'm driving around. It always stops on 70cm call, static. I grabbed another Baofeng and sure enough when I turn the ignition on (car not running, 2010 Civic), scan will stop at 70cm call. Are there any known culprits in a car? It's kind of annoying and I'll probably just set the channel to skip, but curious what people think. I'm familiar with EMC compliance, have access to a spec an, but I'm not realistically going to go down that route.
If the engine isn't running then it's not the ignition

420-450MHz would lead me to believe processor noise from the Nav/Entertainment system since that is the one most likely to be running a processor at those speeds.
Its just a basic radio/clock but I guess could be a harmonic of a clock in there. Just kindof interesting to me, also wondering if anyone else has had similar issues.
Its just a basic radio/clock but I guess could be a harmonic of a clock in there. Just kindof interesting to me, also wondering if anyone else has had similar issues.
Pull fuses until the noise goes away - then work from there.

Might be able to get around it with a few clamp on ferrites
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