I'm pretty sure the guy getting shot wouldn't know the difference between getting hit with any bullet for that matter. Seeing how gangbangers have been killing eachother with .380's and 9mm's I think the whole caliber war crap is a farce. It doesn't matter. hit what your aiming at a lot of times and it will go down, period!
One thing to keep in mind-
Death does not always = incapacitation in the amount of time required to stop an attack. Contrary to popular belief, many people hit with gunfire actually take time to die- it's not like in the movies where james bond hits a
guy with a .32 and he's dead in a half second.
In many cases a subject was hit with (insert favored or hated caliber here) and kept on going. I can find significant "stop failures" in every handgun caliber out there but the amount of them tend to increase dramatically when you slide below .38 SPL / .380 ACP area.
"Caliber Wars" generally suck, but IMO completely ignoring the issue of ballistic capabilities because the issue might be controversial is a bad idea. Even people that should know better are in constant denial of certain inexorable facts- they can't come to grips with the possibility that their uber cool (insert favored anemic or powerful caliber here) might fail to stop the bad guy. Too many people think that handguns are instant death rays, and while they might kill people pretty effectively killing someone and -incapacitating- them in short order, are two different subjects. I am amazed at the folks I run into that don't see the difference.
This is noticeable by the layperson even in hunting game. A person shoots an animal in the wrong place with an inadequate caliber- the animal might walk/run for mile(s) before it dies- obviously the combination of shot placement and caliber was not ideal wrt incapacitation if that happens. Humans are not much different in this regard, when it comes down to raw terms- if the BG isn't psychologically inhibited (by fear, shock, etc) then wound ballistics (and thus, phsyical incapacitation) is the only thing that matters.
(insert all the usual disclaimers about having a gun, training with it as much as you can afford , handguns being inferior to rifles, etc, SHOT PLACEMENT here. )