95-year-old WW II veteran loses all possessions while in hospital


NES Member
Feb 25, 2016
Feminist Caliphate of Massachusetts.
Feedback: 31 / 0 / 0
Another 'thank you for your service'...but

Veteran's apartment emptied during his recuperation

A 95-year-old World War II veteran was kicked out of his Boston apartment while recovering from pneumonia.

Ilya Levin has been recovering at a rehab facility. WCVB-TV reported that his family was checking his place Monday when they noticed all his belongings were thrown away.

The only memento Levin has left is his war uniform.

The management company said the items were thrown out by mistake. The family said Levin had paid two months of rent in advance.
That is NOT how legal evictions are done in MA, even if he hadn't paid the rent. The legal process takes a minimum of 3 months and usually 6-9 months with various legal notices being left.

There are folks here on NES who have advocated actions such as this landlord took however. That landlord is going to learn a very expensive lesson in court if the family of this war hero does the right thing for him.
That's just incomprehensible! They even took the chandelier (less one glass bauble) ? Took his bolted safe? Wow..............just wow.
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