A Little Something from Luxembourg....And A Couple Friends

Jan 14, 2024
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Picked up a Lux FN49 last year. I was at my LGS doing a PPT on a Navey Arms Cowboys Companion. While waiting I was eyeballing the inventory, not much in stock but I did see a Lux FN49. The shop owner, Joe, knows I'm an SKS junkie and I asked him if he'd be interested in horse trading the FN for some Commie iron, sure he says, how many says I, 3 should do it, I'll be back. So I swap 3 SKSs for the .30-06 FN49 that they were asking $2400 for, a Yugo 59/66, a home-grown Chinese Paratrooper and a commercial Chinese NORINCO (not T56 marked). It's in decent shape and on the rack with an '41 refurb SVT40, as issued 7mm Venezuelan FN49, Crowned 8mm Egyptian Vet FN49, and a '43 Winchester M1 Garand. I'm a happy camper. I'd had my SKS rifles for some years so I wasn't into them for much ducats. PAX

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I've flirted with an FN49 several times. I think I'll end up getting one someday. They're sexy AF.
The Argy is the last piece in my FN49 pie, but unobtainable in Kali because of the mag. If I stumble across one I'll keep it at my Idaho digs. Very nice specimen S, PAX
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