A state auction of M-16s in TN

5 grand? Not bad when you figure they probably bought them for 420$ each [thinking]

If you wait long enough, you might be able to buy a police issue M4 patrol rifle from many towns in MA when they decide to replace them. Youll essentially get a brand new rifle as 99.99% of them have never been used outside of qualifications [laugh]
el duderino said:
5 grand? Not bad when you figure they probably bought them for 420$ each [thinking]

If you wait long enough, you might be able to buy a police issue M4 patrol rifle from many towns in MA when they decide to replace them. Youll essentially get a brand new rifle as 99.99% of them have never been used outside of qualifications [laugh]

99% of those have never been cleaned or lubed either. Low bid poorly maintained equiptment at best. A know a buddy that got a local PD Mossy 500 and still cannot get the barell clean lol I could not believe the amount for dirt lint sand and crud in this gun. I'll pass on their ar's
5000 bucks? My guess is these might be considered pre-86 dealer samples, but who knows what the NFA form the guns are on now.

They are transferable, but you have to be a class 3 dealer to bid. You have to pick them up in person , no shipping. 2 + days to bid left.

"The weapons were acquired from the Tennessee Department of Corrections on February 17, 1981. Based on a determination from the National Firearms Act office of the BATFE, these weapons are not subject to the restrictions stated in Public Law 99-308. Individuals may, upon proper approval by BATFE and in accordance with the State and local laws of their place of residence, possess these weapons."
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99% of those have never been cleaned or lubed either. Low bid poorly maintained equiptment at best. A know a buddy that got a local PD Mossy 500 and still cannot get the barell clean lol I could not believe the amount for dirt lint sand and crud in this gun. I'll pass on their ar's

Who cares how crappy it is inside as long as the lower is in good shape? For another $1500 you can slap a new, very nice, upper and LPK on the lower and you're good to go. Just to be clear, those are M16s, not ARs.
Those are museum pieces. Classic M16-A1s that aren't beat to shit. Those will be sold to museums and collectors who have FFLs. I am surprised the value hasn't gone up.
They are transferable, but you have to be a class 3 dealer to bid. You have to pick them up in person , no shipping. 2 + days to bid left.

"The weapons were acquired from the Tennessee Department of Corrections on February 17, 1981. Based on a determination from the National Firearms Act office of the BATFE, these weapons are not subject to the restrictions stated in Public Law 99-308. Individuals may, upon proper approval by BATFE and in accordance with the State and local laws of their place of residence, possess these weapons."

Correct...these are transferable M16A1s, not form 10 government or police only guns or posties. This is a great buy for anyone who's an SOT and has some initial cash to lay out. They could likely double their money on these in no time if the prices remain at or near the current bid prices listed. If I were anFFL/SOT, I'd be all over that auction.

Maintained or not, I'll be these guns have plenty of life left in them and there is no shortage of people looking for all types of M16s
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Those are museum pieces. Classic M16-A1s that aren't beat to shit. Those will be sold to museums and collectors who have FFLs. I am surprised the value hasn't gone up.

That would be sacrilege!!! [angry2]

Those are registered transferable guns that need to be in the hands of people who will shoot them and enjoy them. They've done enough sitting around in some arms room somewhere......time to get them into the hands of people who'll enjoy them by shooting them.
At $5k, I would take one. The issue is that I would have to find an FFL to bid on my behalf AND go in person to complete the transaction.
At $5k, I would take one. The issue is that I would have to find an FFL to bid on my behalf AND go in person to complete the transaction.

No kidding, I'd take three or four at that price but you'll not see them on the market for $5k, the market price is double that and then some if they're rare or collectable items plus transfer tax.
If a local SOT gets registered I would pay a 3k commission on the price plus the airfare out and back if they sell for under 9k. I would be in for two, anyone else???

Guessing these are going to go for about 10k++ if they are transferrables. Genuine colts are going for 18 to 25 k right now and I think the bids will skyrocket the last few hours of the auction.

They will all be on Sturm in a week for 18k each IMO......
PaulD said:
Who cares how crappy it is inside as long as the lower is in good shape? For another $1500 you can slap a new, very nice, upper and LPK on the lower and you're good to go. Just to be clear, those are M16s, not ARs.

I was talking about the M4s in the quote. The M 16's would more the likely be colts and decent but old. In general some of pd guns get really abused shot hard and put away dry till next year.
Bids are all north of $12k now. The final numbers will be up in a few hours. At these prices, I don't think it would be worth the hassle.
I had a Colt M16 in Viet Nam in 1966 and they were full auto with the selector switch. You could burn through some ammo real quick, but you had fire power.
Anybody else remember when "Army Surplus" meant what it said, and it was cheap?

Didn't the "Miller Decision" in the 1930's say guns civilians use needed to have a military purpose?

Put these together with "the right to keep and bear arms", and what we should have are $150 rifles for whoever wants one.
When I bought my first AR in '86, I paid something like $500 for it. (I still have the gun). I remember looking at the M16 and thinking "Nah, full auto is useless", its not worth the extra few hundred bucks. Lets say $900 total.

Now my AR is worth about $1300, and the M16 would be worth $15,000. Oh well.

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