AAR: Presscheck Consulting - No Fail Pistol July 29-30, 2023 Maynard MA

May 16, 2011
West of Boston
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No Fail Pistol
July 29,30, 2023​

Instructor: Chuck Pressberg
Local Host: Onsight Firearms Training
Location: Maynard Rod & Gun, MA
Weather: Sat: sunny 93° 95 humidity, Sun: Sunny, low 80s
Round Count: 875+/-

Chuck’s first Northeast tour. Ben DeWalt of OFT hosted him in VA, PA, NY, NJ, MA & CT.
The hype around Chuck Pressberg is real. Take his class if you have the opportunity!

Range setup. B8(P) with everyone’s name printed large on the top. A clear zip-lock bag with B8 repair centers, marker, masking tape, and spray glue was positioned before each target. Canopy tents, coolers, and chairs are set up behind the 25-yard cones.

Lecture about who Chuck is and what the class is about. He calls it informally “hostage rescue with a pistol.” Much talk about personal accountability, knowing your abilities, and knowing where your failure points are. Overpenetration of your bullets in the human body (most headshots will exit the skull with terminal velocity…know your background! 90% of interior walls will not stop bullets) Hitting the heart is imperative. Shooting multiple shots, COM is not preferred. Preferred are heart shots and or CNS shots. He teaches a lot of cops and SWAT and talks about how OIS will have a psychological stop rather than a physiological stop. We can’t count on our bad guy being a bitch and giving up once shot; we need a physiological stop. Many dedicated killers will continue to fight even after being shot. You must end that NOW! with your pistol, under any circumstances and conditions. If you f***up and kill an innocent in the process, you will be sitting in a courtroom as a defendant. All your family’s assets will be depleted, and your life will change significantly. Chuck’s lecture is very passionate and filled with stories to give real-world relevance to his points. If his attended purpose was to put his students in a “holy f***, this is a serious class! WTF have I signed up for?” Goal achieved.

Medical and safety brief.

Most drills are shot three times, twice for practice and the third time for qualification.
Chuck will demo and explain each drill before he asks you to shoot it. After the class has finished the drill, Chuck will call “ down-range,” and the class will walk down to their target. Score your target; write your score to the top right of your target. After Chuck reviews your target, replace the B8 center and tape anything outside the refaced target area.

Most of the drills:

25 yards: 10 shots, Zero confirmation
Freestyle (2 hands) 10 minutes: best shots of your life.
Chuck demo: cold he scores 100% 9x
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill.
Chuck will suggest zero modifications if your target is printing consistently off-center or it is shooter induced (you suck)
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill (last time)
More instructions on how to shoot your pistol better.
Score and reface your target.

Chuck demos 20 yards: one full magazine
Freestyle (2 hands)
From the high ready
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle. (15-shot mag, three holes are allowed out of black)
Increase speed, and push your limits.
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill again
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 15 Yard for qualification
Freestyle (2 hands)
From the high ready
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle.
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 yards: one full magazine
Freestyle (2 hands)
From the holster
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle.
Increase speed, and push your limits.
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill again
Score and reface your target.

Chuck demos 15 Yard for qualification
Freestyle (2 hands)
From the holster
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle.
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 yards Ascending 1-5
Freestyle (2 hands)
From the holster
Chuck calls out one shot.
You shoot one shot into the black of B8 from the holster.
Chuck calls out two shots.
You shoot two shots into the black of the B8 from the holster.
Three shots
Four shots
Five Shots
Score and reface your target.
Total of two mags for practice

Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill again
Score and reface your target.

Chuck demos 20 yards acceding qual.
Freestyle (2 hands)
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 Yards Rapid fire -five shots
Freestyle (2 hands)
On command, you shoot five shots into the black of B8 from the holster.
Three times per magazine on command
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Same drill again
Score and reface your target.

Chuck demos 20 yards rapid-five shot qual.
Freestyle (2 hands)
3x – one full mag on command
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

After lunch
The same course of fire with strong hand only.

Safety brief

25 yards: 10 shots, Zero confirmation
Freestyle (2 hands) 10 minutes: best shots of your life.
Verification your pistol and optic are up to par, so shitty holes in the target are not a mechanical issue. They are you sucking.

The same course of fire with your non-dominant hand.
You need to be able to fight and deliver the same quality, accurate hits with either hand. Lots of real-world examples were talked about. Real examples of Military, police, and armed civilian were discussed.

Chuck demos 25 yards: 10 shots, 10 minutes: best shots of your life.
Non-dominant hand
Chuck's demo scores 99% 8x
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.
3x each mag of ten shots scored, target refaced.

Chuck demos 20 yards: one whole magazine.
Non-dominant hand
From the high ready
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle. (15-shot mag, three holes are allowed out of black)
Increase speed, and push your limits.
Score and reface your target.

Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 15 Yards for qualification. one whole magazine.
Non-dominant hand
From the high ready
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle. (15-shot mag, three holes are allowed out of black)
Score and reface your target.

Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 yards, one whole magazine.
Non-dominant hand
From the holster
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle.
Increase speed, and push your limits.
Score and reface your target.

Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

15 Yards for qualification. one whole magazine.
Non-dominant hand
From the holster
80% must be in the black (5½”) circle.
Score and reface your target.

Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 yards ascending 1-5
Non-dominant hand
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.
Total of two mags for practice

Chuck demos qual. 15 yards ascending 1-5
Non-dominant hand
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.

Chuck demos 20 yards Rapid fire -five shots.
Non-dominant hand
On command, you shoot five shots into the black of B8 from the holster.
Three times per magazine on command
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.
Total of two mags for practice

Chuck demos 15 yards rapid-five shot qual.
Non-dominant hand
3x – one full mag
Score and reface your target.
Some pointers on how to shoot your pistol better.


After lunch: The paper portion of the class is over. Steel comes out.

Plate rack and two steel targets. The class is split into two groups. One group is doing the plate rack, while the other is doing rapid target transitions. The plate rack is done from the 10; each person does it twice against a par time before the next student. Once the group has done it twice, it moves back to the next yardage of 15, 20 & 25.
Freestyle (2-handed)
Dominant hand
Non-dominant hand

Target transitions are done from 15 yards, and the targets are 10-12 yards away from each other.
Freestyle (2-handed)
Dominant hand
Non-dominant hand
Left target right hand, right target left hand.

All Steel is done for time.

The live portion of the class is over. Clean up range meet under the canopy for final debrief.

There are items left out on purpose. Some timed drills are left out, while others are left intentionally vague. Many of the lectures, tips, and stories are not included by design. I HIGHLY recommend this class. I have never seen a more accurate pistol shooter than Chuck Pressberg. He is a fantastic shooter!

Onsight Firearms will be brining Chuck Pressberg back up to the Northeast Fall of 2024
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