Absolute BEST keychain Flashlight?

May 5, 2007
Shrewsbury, MA
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I carry 1-2 lights with me depending if it is summer or winter. Always a small surefire in the backpack (I commute via train), and a surefire penlight in my coat pocket.

But If I could have one for the keychain, what would it be?
I can't say, but I can tell you what not to get. I picked up a couple of Streamlight Nano's, and mine died pretty quickly. I figured I must have left it on in my pocket. I bought a bunch of new batteries, and it still didn't work.

Now I have a bunch of oddball little batteries that I'll never use. I suppose I could try a new bulb, but I feel I would be just throwing more money down the drain.

I used to have a blue LED squeeze light that lasted for several years. I do not recall the brand.
I carry two Photons (one red and one white) on my keychain..... They've worked well for years.....

Photon IIs. white one on keychain, red on on dogtag chain around neck.

GF didn't like Photon as much, she has a Fenix single AAA light and loves it. Have to say it is pretty bright and so far has a great run time.
I agree with all thats been said. I had a streamlight nano and it comes apart in your pocket. I've had a photon in my pocket for about 8 years, still on the same battery. Not the brightest but I find the red ideal for its use, and like you have something more powerful in my pocket.
the little photons are great I have had them on keychains for years, the invention of the smart phone app that turns the flash into a flashlight has become very handy too. But I still keep an array of traditional flashlights in the car and go bag for when I need to really light stuff up
Fenix single AAA light for me (the 28 Lumen one), I used to sell flashlights, before Fenix came out, I had (Still have) an ARC Flashlight.

Great bang for the buck and no expensive coin cell batteries.
Another Photon light user here. I have a few Photon III's (discontinued now). White, Green, Red and IR. Been using them for at least the last 10 years and counting and I am very happy with them. Batteries last a long time and they take some abuse and keep working. They have low, medium, and high light levels, continuous and momentary on/off, as well as fast and slow strobe, SOS signalling feature and an timer/auto-off mode too.
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I have a few New Old Stock Photons I think the Rave and the Microlight II, if anyone is interested, PM me. Or I can when I'm not lazy put them up in the classifieds.
Photon x-light here's why:

+ It gets 12 hours of light out of a single battery (and then some...I tested it).
+ its dimable which saves lots of battery life
+ The on/off is a click style switch rather than push the LED lead against the battery style (which suck)
+ The battery has a soldered on holder which means you really can replace it without destroying the light
+ You can carry spare batteries in your wallet and forget they are there
+ it glows in the dark for a short time which makes finding it in the dark easier
+ had one go thru the washer and worked fine when dried


It's a bit large for a keychain, but I carry one of these in the little 'key' pocket of my jeans every day.

4Sevens MiniX 123


Couple of things I love about this is:

1) turns on at a 1.2 lumen low, then 45 lumen medium, and then a 210 lumen high.
2) uses a twist style switch so it won't turn on by accident.
3) IPX-8 Water resistance. (submersible)

1.2 doesn't sound like much, but stick it between your teeth while making connections on the back of a server rack and it's perfect. Quick flick of the wrist and you are holding a 210 lumen light that is plenty bright for just about anything. Also has several special flash modes, but I don't use them.

I carry this little light everywhere every single day. Uses a single 123 3v lithium battery. No idea how long the battery lasts as I've not changed it yet after just over a year. Granted I don't use the light all that much, but still, it always seems to be ready when I do.
I carry a preon 2 4sevens, good light, however, the switch is easily actuated when you dont expect, and the clip can bend, and it'll just flop around. Wish area where clip seats was rough so it would grip better. also, a 5.11 atac a1 for work on the road, and a photon freedom on my keys. My girl has a streamlight nano and never had an issue with batt life or accidental on's

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I have one of these on my keychain, Green one on the far left to be exact, It's called a Larry Light and they are hand made, If you have to ask, you wouldn't understand.

I've been carrying Fenix on my keychain for a few years now. Have given away a ton of E05's as Christmas gifts to friends, family, coworkers. (One was even used in the delivery of his kid... the nurse ended up borrowing it for the last 30 minutes of labor.)

E05 for single output, durable build, "gift"'s
LD01 if you want multiple outputs, a bit longer run time, bit bigger. (I still have the first one I bought years ago when they first came out.)
Fenix single AAA light for me (the 28 Lumen one), I used to sell flashlights, before Fenix came out, I had (Still have) an ARC Flashlight.

Great bang for the buck and no expensive coin cell batteries.

I also have the AAA Fenix. Nice and light, always on me.
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