Active-shooting incident reported at community college in Oregon

Anyway again, being extremist on the issue is just leading us to worse laws getting passed eventually. I'm telling you. They will eventually push and win one day and it'll be bad for all of us and we'll have an Australia situation on our hands.

I must have missed your edit to add this. They can push all they want, IDGAF. They will push to hard one day and then they will get shoved back.
I wish that I hadn't reopened this thread.

Buddy, if you don't like the freedom that our constitution guarantees then I suggest you check out some other places to live. Stupid hurts and freedom has a price.

Personal responsibility is at the heart of freedom. Just because you don't trust yourself doesn't mean you get to infringe on the freedom of others.

If you think an Australia style confiscation will ever happen in this country then you haven't left the city in awhile.
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You don't think having basic competency with a weapon is a good idea?

I can see we're going into pure froth mode here for talking about any option other than arming everyone, so I'm all done. I don't know when being extreme about every issue became the in thing, but I'd rather find middle grounds on a lot of things. Life ain't black and white. If we keep going down this path, we're headed towards a day when they feel confiscation is the only option. I know a lot of whackadoos salivate over that prospect, but it shouldn't get to that.

Have you ever walked down the street and had to run away from a dude fumbling with a gun trying to figure it out? What exactly are you afraid of?
I wish that I hadn't reopened this thread.

Buddy, if you don't like the freedom that our constitution guarantees then I suggest you check out some other places to live. Stupid hurts and freedom has a price.

Personal responsibility is at the heart of freedom. Just because you don't trust yourself doesn't mean you get to infringe on the freedom of others.

Yeah you clearly didn't read anything I said, nice try though. Other people being a danger is the issue, not me.

Have you ever walked down the street and had to run away from a dude fumbling with a gun trying to figure it out? What exactly are you afraid of?

I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.
I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.

What madness? You want to make me take a test before I buy a gun, I say EABOD. No madness, no bait, just FREEDOM BABY!!!
Yeah you clearly didn't read anything I said, nice try though. Other people being a danger is the issue, not me.

I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.

your at the wrong place. Huffington post is probably more your speed. Quit trying to negotiate away my natural God given rights, and the natural God given rights of others. You keep spewing this statist shit, you're going to be flamed relentlessly. And rightly so. Something isn't right in your head. Maybe something we should discuss with your police chief regarding "suitability".
I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.

so if that happens, the people who left out the guns would face the consequences. Why do i have to jump through state mandated hoops because Joe Smoe is irresponsible? Your solution is what we often see from anti gunners. Oh Person A did something bad...Persons B through Z who have done nothing wrong need to pay.
your at the wrong place. Huffington post is probably more your speed. Quit trying to negotiate away my natural God given rights, and the natural God given rights of others. You keep spewing this statist shit, you're going to be flamed relentlessly. And rightly so. Something isn't right in your head. Maybe something we should discuss with your police chief regarding "suitability".

[laugh] You're a nut, don't know what a statist is and might need help.
I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.

The answer is "PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY". If you leave a loaded gun on the couch and your kid shoots you, that's not my fault. It's just like idiots who get killed doing "hold-my-beer" stunts. We mock them and give them Darwin Awards; we don't try to ban beer or restrict adults' access to it.
It's impossible, but measures can be put into place to deter it. The problem with more guns for more people is:

A) Not everyone will fight back, there was a carrier on the grounds during the Oregon shooting.

B) Everyone having a gun = everyone near that person having potential access. This kid had access because of this reason, Adam Lanza, etc.

So I don't know what the answer is but everyone having guns and banning all guns aren't the answers either. Too many people are stupid for everyone to have guns, that's when morons leave them around loaded and kids shoot people.

The carrier was not allowed to go towards the shooting, the staff kept him away. He was in a building for vets, so probably others may have been armed as well, but they made them shelter in place.
And, blindly testing everyone to ensure their mental health is OK isn't a solution either. Lots of abuse potential there. And, what type of mental health test/minority report will determine if you or I are the next active shooter incident in waiting?

This. The Government should not have any say in who is allowed to have a gun until that person commits a crime and is proven guilty. Not accused of one. Not visited the doctor because life has been hard recently. Not because their neighbor/girlfriend/whoever says that person is dangerous.

Shall not be infringed is what it says, and infringement is constantly negotiated, and that's Unconstitutional.
I see a lot of Statism in your posts on a wide variety of subjects

Teaser's comments are right on the mark

Not unless you define a statist as anyone who isn't an anarchist who calls for no government period, which is what the definition here seems to be.
Is it assumed that 100% complete and total removal of all restrictions on gun ownership is the only acceptable position to be a respected member of this community?

By taking this position, you're stating clearly: "I'm in a very small minority of Americans and for the purposes of making gun policy I should be ignored." Is that actually what you want?
Is it assumed that 100% complete and total removal of all restrictions on gun ownership is the only acceptable position to be a respected member of this community?

By taking this position, you're stating clearly: "I'm in a very small minority of Americans and for the purposes of making gun policy I should be ignored." Is that actually what you want?

small minority as stated by whom? The Brady Center? MDA?
Is it assumed that 100% complete and total removal of all restrictions on gun ownership is the only acceptable position to be a respected member of this community?

By taking this position, you're stating clearly: "I'm in a very small minority of Americans and for the purposes of making gun policy I should be ignored." Is that actually what you want?

I do not speak for this community, but it is the only acceptable position for me, and I do not give the smallest **** about being in the minority of the rest of you who want to curtail my rights.
Yeah you clearly didn't read anything I said, nice try though. Other people being a danger is the issue, not me.

I already told you, idiots leaving loaded guns out for kids to shoot people with because they don't have any understanding of weaponry or the dangers that come along with them.

I don't know why I ever try to discuss this, there is no reasoning with madness. No more taking the bait.

No I actually did read what you wrote.

You seem to think that you know better than others. You want to set standards by which others are able to exercise their constitutional rights. You have repeatedly written that you don't respect the rights of people you subjectively view as irresponsible.
This. The Government should not have any say in who is allowed to have a gun until that person commits a crime and is proven guilty. Not accused of one. Not visited the doctor because life has been hard recently. Not because their neighbor/girlfriend/whoever says that person is dangerous.

Shall not be infringed is what it says, and infringement is constantly negotiated, and that's Unconstitutional.
And yet the reality is that our nation is constantly renegotiating the limits of the 2nd Amendment (and all the others as well). Whether or not you like that it's happening doesn't stop it from being a fact.
Is it assumed that 100% complete and total removal of all restrictions on gun ownership is the only acceptable position to be a respected member of this community?

By taking this position, you're stating clearly: "I'm in a very small minority of Americans and for the purposes of making gun policy I should be ignored." Is that actually what you want?


The same goes for speech. Because despite the fact that the vomit leaving your mouth makes me sick to my stomach and enrages me, you too, despite being mentally ill, illogical and uneducated are entitled to the right to speak your mind and defend yourself.
And yet the reality is that our nation is constantly renegotiating the limits of the 2nd Amendment (and all the others as well). Whether or not you like that it's happening doesn't stop it from being a fact.

and that is the problem, its complete B.S. No other right comes under constant attack like 2A. Every year, new attacks are launched against it with further attempts to constrain it.
Is it assumed that 100% complete and total removal of all restrictions on gun ownership is the only acceptable position to be a respected member of this community?

By taking this position, you're stating clearly: "I'm in a very small minority of Americans and for the purposes of making gun policy I should be ignored." Is that actually what you want?

I would like the same restrictions on guns that we have on buying cars. That is, none at all.
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