Adj sight, or hold?


NES Member
Jan 3, 2008
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This P220 is the only handgun I have this issue with, POI being about 4" left @ 50'. Is it worthwhile getting the sights adjusted, which might require further adjustment? Or, pony up for a sight pusher? Or, just hold right?

Here's a target with four initial rounds hitting left, followed by four rounds while holding right.
Make sure the sights need adjusting. When new to shooting i asked a guy at the range the same question about the same gun. He picked it up shot 8 rounds in the black at 30 ft, put the gun down, looked at me and said "there is nothing wrong with those sights."

At the time with a Sig226 I could put 15 rounds in the black on a 50yd pistol/rifle target. The trigger on the 220 can be strange for lack of a better word. I seem to get better results from a smooth wuick pull than I do with a smooth deliberate pull.
Look at the slide from the top, do the rear sights look centered on the slide? You might be able to see it if it's off center. Our Sig instructor's 226's sights were off, which he discovered while trying to demonstrate something to us.
Look at the slide from the top, do the rear sights look centered on the slide? You might be able to see it if it's off center. Our Sig instructor's 226's sights were off, which he discovered while trying to demonstrate something to us.

Some sights are accurate without being mechanically centered. I've seen it on several guns. Also the point by jaymce is a good one. I'd bench it at 50 and try to get a tighter group to verify.
Yes fix the sights! But, are you pushing the trigger?

On a few guns I have I go a bit left until I remember I have to place my finger on the trigger a bit different.
Yes fix the sights! But, are you pushing the trigger?

On a few guns I have I go a bit left until I remember I have to place my finger on the trigger a bit different.
When switching guns, I typically use a "sighting" round at first, to see if I need to adjust finger placement on the trigger.

I've tried shooting around the trigger with this gun, but get the same results. This Sig has the SRT, and breaks nicely. I also have a P227 & P226 (both sans SRT), which hit POA.

I'll take a look at the centering of the sights. I don't spend much time with pistols beyond 50', but I'd like to.

MGW Sight-Pro?
If you're ever in the Malden area and want to meet up at Mystic Valley Gun Club you can borrow my Sig sight pusher.
I've tried shooting around the trigger with this gun, but get the same results. This Sig has the SRT, and breaks nicely. I also have a P227 & P226 (both sans SRT), which hit POA.

Skinny grip (P220) vs fat grip? (P226 and 227)

Is 50' typically where you guys check sights/grouping? Why not at like 3 meters where you can see the results instantly?
Skinny grip (P220) vs fat grip? (P226 and 227)

Is 50' typically where you guys check sights/grouping? Why not at like 3 meters where you can see the results instantly?

The longer the distance for zeroing the better. I prefer 50yds.
The longer the distance for zeroing the better. I prefer 50yds.

not sure I understand that - at 50 yards there would seem to be a lot of things contributing to error. And you're zeroing at a range likely much longer than you're going to use the gun. 9mm is gonna drop 3" at 50 yards.
not sure I understand that - at 50 yards there would seem to be a lot of things contributing to error. And you're zeroing at a range likely much longer than you're going to use the gun. 9mm is gonna drop 3" at 50 yards.

I agree, 50 yds seems extreme unless you are a great shooter like Roland Deschain. He is awesome with XS dots:

Sights are very personal, and how you process information visually has a ton to do with how effective they are. Do XS dots give you less information for running a 50 yard shot? Sure. Can you run them retardedly fast at fighting distances? I can. They get a lot of hate. I appreciate them for what they are. A sight that allows me to track the front sight extremely fast with an 'acceptable' sight picture at distances that I can get away with less alignment, while having a significant target based focused advantage over traditional notch sights.
First be sure it is the sights, not the shooter. Shoot it slow fire, from a rest. If that confirms the sites are off, then adjust them.

Sights are very personal, and how you process information visually has a ton to do with how effective they are. Do XS dots give you less information for running a 50 yard shot? Sure. Can you run them retardedly fast at fighting distances? I can. They get a lot of hate. I appreciate them for what they are. A sight that allows me to track the front sight extremely fast with an 'acceptable' sight picture at distances that I can get away with less alignment, while having a significant target based focused advantage over traditional notch sights.

I absolutely HATE XS big dots. I had one on one of my guns. Paid to have it replaced with a conventional sight.
I'm with the "make sure it's the sights first" crowd. My XD9 surprised me by revealing that I don't shoot everything the same. I was off several inches at 7 yards. The gun turned out to be fine. I needed to adjust my grip.
i honestly like the standard glock brand glock three dot night sights.

I've never tried them. My Glocks came with the OEM plastic sights, which are horrifically bad for me. They don't have enough light on either side of the front sight. I replaced them with 10-8 Performance sights -- tritium front, plain black rear, wide rear notch.
I've never tried them. My Glocks came with the OEM plastic sights, which are horrifically bad for me. They don't have enough light on either side of the front sight. I replaced them with 10-8 Performance sights -- tritium front, plain black rear, wide rear notch.

Never tried the 10-8, but I prefer the Trijicon night sites, especially the front sight with the orange circle, which makes it real easy for sight acquisition in the daylight.

Chances are it's a grip thing I have had my fair share of 45s that I shot about 4 in to the left it annoyed me so much that I sold my 45s instead of doing something smart like researching it lol. Tried my cousins Springfield blew out the target in 4 rounds. After changing my grip
Chances are it's a grip thing I have had my fair share of 45s that I shot about 4 in to the left it annoyed me so much that I sold my 45s instead of doing something smart like researching it lol. Tried my cousins Springfield blew out the target in 4 rounds. After changing my grip

So you're saying I need to change my grip per caliber? mmmmkay
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