Adjusting a pinned stock?

Jan 25, 2009
Taunton, Ma
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I just picked up a new AR15 w/ a pinned collapsable stock and I wanted to know if it is possible / legal to un-pin it, move it to a shorter position and re-pin it? or maybe even un-pin it, thread the detent holes and put in a torx or allen screw so that it would require a tool to adjust (that would be MA AWB compliant right?)
is there a certain length it MUST be?? Or just pinned and doesn't matter if it's long or short??

There's a minimum overall length requirement for rifles (26" IIRC), but I doubt that will come into play. If the overall length is less than 26", it is not considered a rifle by the ATF and now you're into bad juju without the right forms.

For the MA assault weapons ban, the stock needs to be pinned unless you have a preban rifle.
One way to make sure you dont viloate MA compliance while adjusting the Length of Pull of a pinned stock is to take it off the weapon while doing the work. I know that's a pain in the butt, but then you're fine, even if someone "walks in" while you're doing it.

I am so glad I live in NH and don't actually have to deal with that stuff.
If "someone walks in" while you're adjusting your stock, then you have far larger problems that compliance...[thinking] It's really not a hassle. Buy a collapsable stock and buffer tube, adjust it where you need it and pin it. Or, spend a little more dough and get a Sully. I dislike collapsable stocks - even when they collapse. The Sully solves the poor cheek-weld and feel of a collapsable, with a short, functional and spacer-adjustable stock...I have the Sully on my M4 and absolutely love it - so does everyone who shoots it...
The Sully seems too short to me. Can you point me towards how it is adjustable for length? Are you adding the extended butt plate to it? How long does that make it compared to an A1?

The A2 stock is clearly WAY too long for me. But the Sully seems too short, since I'm not wearing body armor. I'm looking for something in between.
The Sully seems too short to me. Can you point me towards how it is adjustable for length? Are you adding the extended butt plate to it? How long does that make it compared to an A1?

The A2 stock is clearly WAY too long for me. But the Sully seems too short, since I'm not wearing body armor. I'm looking for something in between.

I was in the same boat, until I added the spacer. I'm a large-framed guy, (6'4" 250) and the standard sully at 8", was just too short. I found myself getting beaten up by my rear sight...I added the spacer and life was good. It states that it adds 1", but I'll have to measure - seems to add a bit more than that. I like it so much, that even if I went to a standard length rifle - the Sully would go on it...Much better cheek-weld than the A2 and the slight weight increase over the A2 makes the gun balance so well.



Do you know the overall length of that stock and spacer compared to an A2? I'm a lot smaller than you - 5' 9" 180lbs.
Cool. That might work for me.

One more thing. Does that require a CAR sized buffer, or will it work with the rifle buffer tube?
so I knocked out the pin (don't worry I lit some candles around a picture of martha coakley and prayed to the consumer protection gods first) to see what i was dealing with, it's a full working 6 position collapsable stock. the only problem is that the only hole to put the pin through is @ position 6. would it be safe to drill a hole through the fin on the bottom of the tube around position 3 or is there a posibility that i will drill into something that isn't drill proof?

p.s. the pin is back in at position 6, so any of your lib friends that were afraid that I almost blew up the world can rest at ease.
Knock the pins out, figure out where you want it. Redrill it in the squared off part of the buffer tube. Re-install pins.

As for the comment about the pinned stocks coming with A2 buffer tubes, that is not true. The A2 buffer tubes are round and do not have the "keyway" to keep the collapsible stocks from rotating/adjusting into position.

A2 buffer tube -

M4 buffer tube -
Knock the pins out, figure out where you want it. Redrill it in the squared off part of the buffer tube. Re-install pins.

As for the comment about the pinned stocks coming with A2 buffer tubes, that is not true. The A2 buffer tubes are round and do not have the "keyway" to keep the collapsible stocks from rotating/adjusting into position.

There's a thread around here somewhere that clearly shows a S&W M&P with a collapsable buttstock on an A2 buffer tube...
There's a thread around here somewhere that clearly shows a S&W M&P with a collapsable buttstock on an A2 buffer tube...
I cannot figure out how that would work. It would slide on there (as long as the tube diameters were the same) but there is nothing there for it to lock onto or keep it from rotating.

Do you have a link to the thread?
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There's a thread around here somewhere that clearly shows a S&W M&P with a collapsable buttstock on an A2 buffer tube...

Do you mean it's an actual A2 tube or is it just a rifle length M4 style tube with the keyed shape? I know my MP15FT has a rifle length m4 style tube.
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