Advice on a form 4


NES Member
May 16, 2011
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I'm looking to buy an SBS, they have the one I want up at Riley's in Hooksett. Can I buy directly from them on a form 4 or does it have to be sent to an FFL/SOT in mass.

ask johnny at precision point, but i am not sure if their paperwork has come back yet. otherwise zero hour or 1776 gunsmithing. i think both could do it.
negatory. my SOT guy is acme, but that won't do you any good in MA.

if precision point isn't doing them i might be able to help him get shit squared away, i'll actually drop him a line and ask for you. already sent johnny an obscene snapchat this morning, so i have his attention. [laugh]
SBS that are NOT factory SBS or AOW will not make it past the form 4 transfer. A Factory SBS will. This came from a letter to the ATF iirc from our AG about the MA sawed off shotgun law. That's why a form 1 or two will not be approved from MA unless it is from a virgin receiver.

Jack may be in shortly. As a manufacturer they stopped allowing creating a SBS by cutting an existing shotgun.

For a while the ATF wouldn't transfer ANY SBS. Now they will transfer only factory SBS. That's the ONLY reason I don't already own a Serbu super shorty and a mad max style double barrel.

FYI. You might get the form signed off by the chief but when it goes to the ATF it will get rejected if it is not a factory SBS. This has been the norm for at least a little while in MA.

Also, some of the chiefs know this and will double check it is a factory SBS, some don't know.
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SBS that are NOT factory SBS or AOW will not make it past the form 4 transfer. A Factory SBS will. This came from a letter to the ATF iirc from our AG about the MA sawed off shotgun law

IIRC it has nothing to do with the AG and everything to do with EOPS/CJIS trying to meddle with, and **** up the NFA process in MA on numerous occasions. Thankfully due to lawyers getting involved they mostly failed at doing this.

Yea Ma has written in its Dangerous weapons laws( that ban things like throwing stars, blow guns, wrist rockets etc) a law the prohibits the possession of "Sawed off" shotguns. it is that law that the AG forwarded to the ATF. Therefore ONLY SBS's that are made from virgin receivers can be possessed in MA, anything else has been "Sawed off" and is out. Yet another law written by another political A-Hole. The AG has suggested to the ATF that there is no way in easily regulating the fact if the receivers were actually Virgin, so the default answer for the ATF is to reject the applications. It can be a battle you can win, with the help of the manufacture for a form 3-4, but Form 1 's are rejected outright.
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