Form 1 question on weapon type?

Jan 2, 2024
Boston Area
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filling out my form one to bring my Kriss vector back to its 5.5" barrel. i just wasn't sure what im supposed to be putting in the box where it asks what type of firearm im making. Im guessing its now a pistol ? any help would be great. referring to box 4 b on the form 1.
It’s a rifle now. Assuming you are keeping it as a rifle then you would call it a short barreled rifle or SBR. I’m no expert but can you convert one to a pistol with a pistol brace? I guess if you can and you are building a pistol, then it’s a pistol. However, I just started my stamp collection so you might want to wait for a few more posts.
It’s a rifle now. Assuming you are keeping it as a rifle then you would call it a short barreled rifle or SBR. I’m no expert but can you convert one to a pistol with a pistol brace? I guess if you can and you are building a pistol, then it’s a pistol. However, I just started my stamp collection so you might want to wait for a few more posts.
If it’s currently a rifle, it can’t become a pistol per federal law.
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