Advice on a new handgun

Aug 9, 2006
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With the rise in ammo prices, my 1911 and S&W M520 (.357) sit unused in the safe. My M&P gets most of the range time, but .40 isn't exactly cheap either.

I find myself looking for a 9mm. I have a 92FS but I don't particularly like it.

I was thinking about an M&P9, but something about owning the same gun in two different calibers just doesn't appeal to me. That plus the cost of having Burwell do another trigger job. Besides, if I get another M&P it'll probably be the M&P45C.

This gun would be for range use and maybe USPSA/IPSC.

Thoughts I've had:

Para P18 - Prebans are hard to find, but they exist. However, I think the steel on Paras is a little bit soft.

NES Caspian Buy - I know nothing about building 1911s and I'm sure it would cost quite a bit in the end.

Sig 226 - I have little experience shooting Sigs. The only one I've ever used was a P245 and I wasn't especially good with it.

No Rugers, no Glocks. Any thoughts?
Browning Hi-Power if you can find one. It's the best 9mm out there for range use in my opinion. I carried mine for a while, but I broke down and went to a lighter polymer gun for carry. The HP is my primary competition and training gun though.
40 to 9mm conversion barrel for your M&P 40??

i have a lonewolf for my glock23 that works flawless - next purchase is for the my m&p 40 for sure!
With the rise in ammo prices, my 1911 and S&W M520 (.357) sit unused in the safe. My M&P gets most of the range time, but .40 isn't exactly cheap either.

I find myself looking for a 9mm. I have a 92FS but I don't particularly like it.

I was thinking about an M&P9, but something about owning the same gun in two different calibers just doesn't appeal to me. That plus the cost of having Burwell do another trigger job. Besides, if I get another M&P it'll probably be the M&P45C.

This gun would be for range use and maybe USPSA/IPSC.

Thoughts I've had:

Para P18 - Prebans are hard to find, but they exist. However, I think the steel on Paras is a little bit soft.

NES Caspian Buy - I know nothing about building 1911s and I'm sure it would cost quite a bit in the end.

Sig 226 - I have little experience shooting Sigs. The only one I've ever used was a P245 and I wasn't especially good with it.

No Rugers, no Glocks. Any thoughts?

ill sell you a sig 228 wiht 4 hi-caps for 625
I have a Dillon 550, but I'm ashamed to say that I have not been able to figure it out yet, so right now my most reliable method of loading is my single-stage Lee.

I need to watch that video again.
Actually hadn't considered that, but it's an idea.

I was thinking a 9mm 1911, but there doesn't seem to be much available in MA. I'd prefer a SA or striker-fired to a DA.
Sig, Browning HP or a CZ would all be good 9mm choices. S&W has made a lot of 9mm pistols which don't fit my hand, but if you can find one to try out might work for you. There are C&R HPs out there, which is a nice option for MA.

If it's ammo cost savings that's driving this, why not a 22 conversion for your 1911, and use the ammo savings to buy 40 or 45 for IPSC/IDPA? Not the direction you were heading, but cheap ammo for sure.
Sig P226 in 9. It's super accurate right out of the box, relatively inexpensive used and somewhat easy to get high caps for. The 245 is definitely not representative of the sig line. If the Beretta is a Honda accord, inexpensive, reliable basic transport, then the Sig is a caddy, Hard to conceal (although Clinotus does it) all the options and pure comfort and fun. While I stopped carrying the 226 about 7 minutes after I acquired the smaller 229, I don't think I've ever been to range without it as it's good cheap fun.
Sig P226 in 9. It's super accurate right out of the box, relatively inexpensive used and somewhat easy to get high caps for. The 245 is definitely not representative of the sig line. If the Beretta is a Honda accord, inexpensive, reliable basic transport, then the Sig is a caddy, Hard to conceal (although Clinotus does it) all the options and pure comfort and fun. While I stopped carrying the 226 about 7 minutes after I acquired the smaller 229, I don't think I've ever been to range without it as it's good cheap fun.

Clinotus should teach a class! He can CCW a 220 like nobody's business...I tried the same thing with the same gun and the same rig and it looked like: "oh, there's a fat guy with a gun"...Clinotus is a magician, or an alien or something....[grin]
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