Grim News - Need Advice

Jul 6, 2022
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Sorry if you saw this on Reddit already!

I’m facing an unfortunate reality - one of my biggest fears, truthfully. My father, the man who raised me around firearms and made me the sportsman I am today, has been diagnosed with an aggressive form of cancer. I am on my way to Maine to see him and sort out some particulars.

My question for this sub is: how do I go about getting his firearms from Maine to MA? They’re all long guns and all MA-legal. He’s a collector of some really nice stuff, and this will be a large part of my inheritance.

He wants me to bring home the higher price tag items for safe keeping while he goes in for a hospital stay. This is totally kosher right? I’m technically just borrowing the items until he either gets well enough to use them again or, the worst case scenario, he passes and they are left to me in his will.

Thank you in advance for the help. I greatly appreciate it.
Don't go on a public forum and ask these questions? Put the guns in your car and drive them home. Don't speed or check your phone every 2 minutes while driving and swerving back and forth on the highway. Don't hang any of the guns out the window while driving. When stopping for gas, don't tell everyone around you you are transporting guns from Maine to Massachusetts. When you get home, don't tell your neighbors that you just transported a bunch of guns from Maine to Massachusetts. Dont line them up in your front yard to air out. Don't tell everyone at work you transported your father's guns from his home to your home. Don't call your local PD and tell them you brought your father's guns from Maine to your home in Massachusetts. These are common sense things not to do.
Or move out of your shitty state.
Why would you even as this on a public forum? Put the guns in your car and drive them home. Don't speed or check your phone every 2 minutes while driving and swerving back and forth on the highway. Don't hang any of the guns out the window while driving. When stopping for gas, don't tell everyone around you you are transporting guns from Maine to Massachusetts. When you get home, don't tell your neighbors that you just transported a bunch of guns from Maine to Massachusetts. Dont line them up in your front yard to air out. Don't tell everyone at work you transported your father's guns from his home to your home. Don't call your local PD and tell them you brought your father's guns from Maine to your home in Massachusetts. These are common sense things not to do.
Or move out of your shitty state.
Yeah I’m just gonna go through a FFL my father is dying of cancer I don’t need the extra stress.
Assumption that you are licensed in Ma is the first and obvious thing.
Second would be to unload all and put them in a locked container(s) without any ammunition and drive them home to a locked container in your house/apartment.
My understanding is if they are directly spelled out in the will as going to you, no FFL required. Of course I am not a lawyer so yeah.
Really sorry to hear you're in this situation. Here's my thoughts.
1. You said they are all MA-legal long guns. My guess is nice shorties and custom hunting rifles - min chance that anything has a sneaky legal gotcha attached.
2. You are licensed in MA and need none in ME.
3. Your father owns them outright and has given them to you for either short or long term storage.

My man, you don't seem to face any legal hurdles in just putting them in your car and driving rationally home to MA. If you want to be squeaky clean, buy cheap trigger locks for the drive.

When you arrive you have to make a decision about notifying the state which is a whole other can of worms given the ambiguity to current laws, but that's a decision for "next week you." "Today you" need only pick up the guns and take care of dad.

When time permits you can read through the site to find out more about why notifying the state is currently a cluster**** but until them focus on dad and know you're gtg.

ETA: If you're not licensed in MA, see post 2.
Be there for your dad. If it eases his mind to know his guns are where he wants them to be, that's an even better reason to do this.

Others have given you great advice. Bring them down and store them. That's perfectly legal, provided you be careful about standard-cap mags. MA laws are currently in flux in terms of "registering" them. I'm inclined to see that as an opportunity; others see it as something to be afraid of. Choose how you wish to view it, but as of today? There's no need for you to inform the state.

Good luck!
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