Dilema -- have a Ruger LCP (.38 special or .38 special +p) with a good IWB holster which I use for defensive carry. It conceals great and is a perfect carry weight for old f___ like me, but I cannot practice with it sufficiently because more than 20 rounds just kills the thumb joint in my shooting hand (pretty bad arthritis)- particularly with +p ammo. If I need the gun in a real situation I know I will not care about a hurting hand, and I am happy with the knock down of a .38, but after a few rounds it was obvious that in order to hit anything reliably I will need to practice, and I just can't seem to manage sessions long enough to make progress on my accuracy with the gun. Does anybody have a suggestion for a better gun or caliber for me - I'm willing to compromise on gun weight or caliber if I can still have reasonable knock down capability? I prefer a revolver - DA only seems a safe way to go. My only other prejudice is I don't think a .22 is a good option for defensive carry Any ideas will be appreciated...