After Action Report: How did your preps hold up vs Hurricane Sandy?

Jan 31, 2007
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I know we didn't get hit hard (or at all, in some instances), but I think even the mildest storm is a good opportunity to review and evaluate your disaster preparations.

So how did your preparations hold up against Hurricane Sandy? What did you find was most helpful during the storm? What did you find you didn't need? What would you do differently?

My biggest take away was realizing the need for checklists. Even with all the prep time we had, in the rush to get ready I forgot things I should have known. Thank goodness for my mother-in-law (a seasoned hurricane veteran who lives on the east coast of Florida), who kept calling us with, "did you remember this, did you remember that?" I'm writing those checklists now, and next time we'll do it better.

What about everyone else?
Prep: I bought some milk so I could have some cinnamon toast crunch in the morning.

Report: I ate cinnamon toast crunch in the morning.
Next time I will not remind friends and family I have a generator! I was up to my neck in "outlaws!"[frown]
Expected marauding hordes to descend upon my house after dark when it became obvious I was the only one on my street with a generator.

The that showed up (my one decent neighbor) breached the perimeter (wife let him him) so I agreed to charge the cell phone he brought over.
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I made muffins the night before.... Had one for breakfast...I also made sure i had all my turkey hunting equipment ready to go as i was hunting monday morning
I ran out of beer. It's AMAZING how much even I can drink when I start at 10AM!

This is always my take away from disasters. I never get enough booze.

I fueled up the genny, left a box of chemlights, 2 flashlights and a lantern on the coffee table, put a space heater in the livingroom, brought up the extension cords and left out a loaded .45 with a light attatchment for my wife. Then I kissed her and the baby goodbye and went to work. Turns out none of the preps were needed. We never lost power.
We overshot. Thought it was gonna be a 3-app-3-entree disaster but it just didn't live up to it. Lots of leftover Chinese food now.
Had 6 slices of texas french toast with maple syrup. We heard the hum of high voltage arc for 3 seconds but no transformer blew up and the lights never flickered.

-tapatalk and Devin McCourty blow chunks-
Everything went fine as planned. Left for the FEMA camp as soon as the first few drops of rain started. Was welcomed there with open arms. It was very nice. Full of friendly people that served all kinds of yummy snacks that were nothing more than little green wafers and some of the best koolaid I've ever had. It was just sooo wonderful.
BTW...did y'all know that guns are icky and that only terrorists prep for anything? I learned so so many wonderful things there. It was just so beautiful and amazing. [smile]
We didn't lose power, just some blinking. Although, I did realize that if I had needed the generator, it would be bad to just leave it outside during massive rain. So, I have a new project on my to do list to build an enclosure for it.
We lost power ~4PM Monday after numerous momentary outages. This one lasted for 12 hours and since we have Comcast triple-pay, we lost phone/cable/internet. Roughed it for dinner. Yesterday checked around house and only small branches down, but every gutter is overflowing with leaves. No damage. Neighbor across the street lost their chimney cap, it blew off and smashed to the ground.
Been without power since sunday at 4pm. Estimated date of restore Nov 2nd. Using the grill to cook, a coleman 2 burner for soups and chef boyardi.
The generator bought last year has been supplying the rest of the luxuries, tv, lights, water, etc.

Sent from my iPhone 4s using Tapatalk
Everything went fine as planned. Left for the FEMA camp as soon as the first few drops of rain started. Was welcomed there with open arms. It was very nice. Full of friendly people that served all kinds of yummy snacks that were nothing more than little green wafers and some of the best koolaid I've ever had. It was just sooo wonderful.
BTW...did y'all know that guns are icky and that only terrorists prep for anything? I learned so so many wonderful things there. It was just so beautiful and amazing. [smile]
Everything went fine as planned. Left for the FEMA camp as soon as the first few drops of rain started. Was welcomed there with open arms. It was very nice. Full of friendly people that served all kinds of yummy snacks that were nothing more than little green wafers and some of the best koolaid I've ever had. It was just sooo wonderful.
BTW...did y'all know that guns are icky and that only terrorists prep for anything? I learned so so many wonderful things there. It was just so beautiful and amazing. [smile]

Did the loving folks at FEMA give you and your family the thermasol-filled flu shots at the "storm of the century" encampment ? Never can be too careful, you know. [tinfoil]
Made Chili. Drank wine from Argentina because it is next to Chile. Ate well, drank well, slept well. No lights out here. Preps were good.

Hope everyone made it safely through and their lawn furniture, too.
Reserved a bunch of water, made sure flashlights had working batteries, got the lighter and candles out. Watched tv and drank beer all day, fell asleep at 8. Woke up next morning, went to work. Just another day.
I tried firing up the generator Sunday night with no success and spent the afternoon futzing with it. Once I got it to work reliably I put it away, so it was ready and gassed up when I lost power. Also was a good opportunity to cycle all my old gas. Was glad I did it, and glad I had it. Also pulled out some propane lanterns for the rooms that I didn't jack on the transfer switch. Glad I had those too. All and all, it was a good test of potentially vital equipment.
Tiny lesson learned for me (power was only out for about an hour) I was sitting at the desk in my home office when the power went out. I didn't realize how little light leaked in there from outside in a storm. Finding the tiny flashlight on my keys was a PITA amongst the disaster that is my desk. I'm going to put something that glows in the dark on my keychain.
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