After Action Report: How did your preps hold up vs Hurricane Sandy?

Expected marauding hordes to descend upon my house after dark when it became obvious I was the only one on my street with a generator.

The that showed up (my one decent neighbor) breached the perimeter (wife let him him) so I agreed to charge the cell phone he brought over.

Opposite where I live. Everyone on my street has a generator.
Can't afford a generator... Didn't need one. I'm DAMN glad I don't live in Jersey anymore. My old house was very much under water. Lot of friends in NY and NJ right now that are in a bad way :-\
I think the more appropriate question is does anyone know anybody in NJ/NY who were ready because a lot of places there don't have gas or electricity. Staten Island is complaining they've been forgotten! Flooding and other things are aggravating situations and I'm hearing tensions are elevating too. I think a prep person would've headed to the hills about now to wait it out.

After an in-depth search I was not able to uncover any zombies. Maybe next time guys!
We used the power outage to use all the basics including water buckets to fill up the toilets. So everyone got a little but of understanding what they might need to do in a real emergency. Got out the backup food and everything. However, we did watch Monday night football. [grin]

Decided need more in between meal snacks - dried fruit etc.
Everything else was good
I didn't get to use any but my buddy on Long Island is a pretty good prepper. But he got 3' of water into his house and lost some supplies. So I'm rethinking the best way for storage. Does not do you much good if you store in the cellar and you get flooded out. Or upstairs and you get a tree landing on your roof. Right now my stuff is split between the house, the barn and a shipping container.
I actually learned some lessons from this storm. None of them were serious (this time). One of my buildings (in a condo complex) needs a backup power source for the sump pumps, we had a foot of water for an afternoon until I borrowed a generator. I also did not have enough batteries for all of my flashlights, (had no AAA) but I did not really need them. I also did not have enough non perishable food to last more than a day. So I am analyzing and correcting those mistakes this week and next, in case "Sandy part 2" hits MA like it hit NYC.
Btw about flashlights, I bought a couple of the shake lights at a military surplus store . They're not the greatest but they definitely work when you have no batteries.
IMO, diversity is the key.

During Irene, we had Kero, propane, coleman fuel, candles, and flashlights, all at the same time, occasionally [laugh]

If you have mantle lamps, now is the time to get a few spares at wally world - they're $2 for 4 ( as opposed to $4 for 2 at the hardware store! [shocked])
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