Air force quotes or sayings


NES Member
Mar 22, 2009
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My brother is headin back to Bagram AFB in Afghanistan for his second deployment.

I was curious of some good luck sayings or quotes the Air Force may have.

For example, when someone goes golfing someone would say, Keep it in the short grass...

Lookin for something along those lines for Pilots.


Air Force? "Keep the soft serve machine cold..." ahaha Just kidding...

Here is a couple for some pilots that I have heard and liked. I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for but...

The only three things a wingman should ever say are:
1. Two's up.
2. You're on fire.
3. I'll take the ugly one.

"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death I Shall Fear No Evil For I am at 20,000 feet and Climbing."

"Always check you six."

Best of luck to him.
Not Air Force specific, but for pilots "keep the greasy side down" seems to be a popular one. When I was getting my private license my instructor always told me that prior to a solo flight.
Here is my best Air Force quote,.......... from my Dad.

But first I have to give a bit of history, so you can appreciate it.[smile]

My Dad joined the 82nd Airborne in WWII. He was traing for the invasion in Europe.

They pulled him out, told him he was smart, and offered him a job in the Army Air Corps.

He went to school as a Navigator, and spent the war flying as a Navigator on B-17's with the 100th Bomb Group, flying out of Thorpe Abbots in England. They became known as "The Bloody Hundreth!"

He even bailed out of a B-17, and was pissed because he never got wings for it![smile]

He spent 24 years in the service, and retired from the Air Force in 1964.

Every two weeks, he would take me and my three brothers to the barber shop on base.. He would go the club and have a few beers.

On the way home, he always said the same thing...


(My brothers and I all joined the Army, and three of us became Paratroopers.)

"The two most useless things in the world are altitude above you and runway behind you."

"The worse situation for a pilot is to run out of airspeed, altitude, and ideas, all at the same time."

"Throw a nickle on the grass, save a fighter pilot's @ss."

"I guess we considered ourselves a different breed of cat right from the start. We flew through the air, others walked on the ground. It was as simple as that."
Gen Carl Spaatz
Best wishes for your brother. I always envied Air Force guys because they seemed to always have a plush place to stay rather than the tents I stayed in most of the time in Vietnam.

Not necessarily Air Force specific: "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots".
Chuck wasn't 'bold', he was good. He never wrote checks he couldn't cash. I had the privledge of seeing him speak in 1995. Very impressive.

Then we have a very different interpretation of the word "bold".

bold: not hesitating or fearful in the face of actual or possible danger or rebuff; courageous and daring: a bold hero.

Chuck Yeagher was more than good. He was one of the best.

Robin Olds was another. At least until he passed away from heart problems in 2007.

Phil Handley may also qualify.
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How about the knucklehead AF veteran who was on 8 or so Ambien's and forced down the plane from Paris.....

"I have explosives in my luggage and a fake passport"

Dumb-ass. [laugh2]

The bill he's going to get for that fiasco is gonna be HEFTY, not to mention what charges the feds are going to deal him.
Best wishes for your brother. I always envied Air Force guys because they seemed to always have a plush place to stay rather than the tents I stayed in most of the time in Vietnam.

Not necessarily Air Force specific: "There are old pilots, there are bold pilots, but there are no old, bold pilots".

Oh heck, they had the better mess halls, air conditioned buses, better quarters, etc, etc.[laugh] That was Berlin in 82.[wink][laugh][laugh] We always gave the zoomies that worked with us crap.
"Just because it's faded doesn't mean the support's over -- so don't walk away from the console to stuff your face at the vending machine -- they could extend the support in a heartbeat"
The difference between a duck and a copilot?
The duck can fly.

A check ride ought to be like a skirt.
Short enough to be interesting, but long enough to cover everything.

Speed is life. Altitude is life insurance.

It only takes two things to fly:
Airspeed, and money.

The three most dangerous things in aviation:
1. A Doctor or Dentist in a Cessna.
2. Two captains in a DC-9.

Aircraft Identification:
If it's ugly, it's British.
If it's weird, it's French.
If it's ugly and weird, it's Russian.

Without ammunition, the USAF would be just another very expensive flying club.

The similarity between air traffic controllers and pilots?
If a pilot screws up, the pilot dies.
If ATC screws up, the pilot dies.

The difference between flight attendants and jet engines:
The engines usually quit whining when they get to the gate.

New FAA motto:
'We're not happy, till you're not happy.'
If Air Traffic Control screws up, it's called a "System Malfunction",
If a pilot screws up it's called a "violation".

If something hasn't broken on your helicopter--it's about to.

I give that landing a 9 ... on the Richter scale.

Basic Flying Rules:
1. Try to stay in the middle of the air.
2. Do not go near the edges of it.
3. The edges of the air can be recognized by the appearance of ground, buildings, sea, trees and interstellar space. It is much more difficult to fly in the edges.

Unknown landing signal officer (LSO) to carrier pilot after his 6th unsuccessful landing attempt:
"You've got to land here son. This is where the food is."
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