ALERT! Gun Bills to be heard on 3-19-2019! Rally at the State House, PLEASE come!

Sep 21, 2011
Newport, RI
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Bills that will ban commonly owned semi automatic firearms, magazine restrictions, and many other bad bills! There will also be a Rally at the State House on Tuesday, starting around 4pm. We need to PACK the State House with gun rights activists to stop these bills. Don't let a handful of Moms Demand Action folks on Bloomberg's payroll take your rights away!

Here is a link to the bills that will be heard:

To contact the committee and let them know what your position is on the bills, please use the following link, it should work even if you are not a NRA member, shame on you :-)
Contact Committee Members About Gun Bills to Be Heard!
We are in our own fight in Klickitat County, WA - probably right on the same priority. TG there are some local sheriffs what are standing strong to not enforce a law passed by the majority of voters in WA state: I-1639. But the majority is along the populated, extremely liberal I5 corridor and is a minority of the geographic part of the state.

I am sure there is much in common with other parts of our land.
All bills were held for further study, but they can come back at any time. The last two years gun owners in RI has finally woken up and there was a good turnout. About 2000 gun rights supporters in yellow t-shirts/capes/flags/dresses and maybe 20-30 gun grabbers in red/orange so that was awesome to see. Hundreds of t-shirts were given out and we ordered almost 130 pizzas that we gave away to everyone, including State House employees and those who try to take our rights away. Although we have a huge advantage in numbers, the Moms (Demand Action) have a lot of money and does a lot of work behind the scenes so I feel far from safe that nothing will pass this session and we need to keep fighting.
The Senate will most likely hear these bills in the next week and we get to do this all over again..
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