ALERT: Mashpee looking to prohibit hunting


NES Member
Feb 7, 2010
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Mashpee has a meeting about prohibiting the discharge of firearms and hunting on public land.

Posting this here and in GD since a lot of people don’t do Facebook.
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I asked at one of the public hearings on the F&W fee increases what they were doing to stop these laws from being enacted. They said nothing.
Ever seen Wampanoag people hunt or fish? Ive seen a guy stand in front of a herring run drainage pipe with a large net just scoop fish half dozen at a time, when questioned the young Wampanoag man said "Kiss my d--- this is my land"... So I assume this is a ban on white people and other non Wampanoag races hunting? As they can hunt/fish wherever and whenever they want without any government say? Is this racist?
I asked at one of the public hearings on the F&W fee increases what they were doing to stop these laws from being enacted. They said nothing.
Its a town matter....if the people in the town are a**h***s, the state can do nothing to them. This state for certain is not willing to do anything anyway.

Some Towns have been closed for 30 years plus in the Berkshires......
Its a town matter....if the people in the town are a**h***s, the state can do nothing to them. This state for certain is not willing to do anything anyway.

Some Towns have been closed for 30 years plus in the Berkshires......
Thanks for the info.

I've seen some towns make town owned "public lands" only open to hunting to police, firefighters and public employees.
Will they follow-up by voting on poaching "or hunting" with a crossbow 🤔

Protect those coyotes!
Ever seen Wampanoag people hunt or fish? Ive seen a guy stand in front of a herring run drainage pipe with a large net just scoop fish half dozen at a time, when questioned the young Wampanoag man said "Kiss my d--- this is my land"... So I assume this is a ban on white people and other non Wampanoag races hunting? As they can hunt/fish wherever and whenever they want without any government say? Is this racist?
Not that its cool....but you might say its a small price to pay for what was done to Indians in general......the government had a great way of generally fxcking the Indians at every turn. Then they turned them into welfare culture.
Where is this?? Now that would be a public means public, not public employee.
These towns tend to have a "require written permission from town authorities" as a clause...which is used in this way. Metrowest has a lot of these.

I will say as I looked this up...I remember clearly the proposal, but the news never actually follows up on the law. Then I have to go to the town's website to find the info, which is a disaster.
I shared to Barnstable County League of Sportsmen’s Clubs. They sent an email to the membership last night (Sunday) to get the word out.
What is the ultimate intent of the board?

To DENY the legal use of firearms by legal gun owners on public lands and to further an ongoing antigun agenda, thereby appeasing the leftist voters in the town.
What are those poor leftists going to do when they hit a deer with their Tesla, it explodes into flames killing everyone in the car, on the way home from a drag queen poetry recital?
Most rational people don't really care.[smile]
What are those poor leftists going to do when they hit a deer with their Tesla, it explodes into flames killing everyone in the car, on the way home from a drag queen poetry recital?
They ask the town to hire sharpshooters and kill deer at night.

Happened in Southern CT. People didn't like seeing and dealing with "hunters" they paid sharpshooters to kill deer and dump them in the town dump. Great.
These towns tend to have a "require written permission from town authorities" as a clause...which is used in this way. Metrowest has a lot of these.

I will say as I looked this up...I remember clearly the proposal, but the news never actually follows up on the law. Then I have to go to the town's website to find the info, which is a disaster.
Yes.....I can see how they can walhack this into becoming a town cops hunting preserve by denying access. Motherfxckers.
They ask the town to hire sharpshooters and kill deer at night.

Happened in Southern CT. People didn't like seeing and dealing with "hunters" they paid sharpshooters to kill deer and dump them in the town dump. Great.
They did the same thing at Cranes Beach. The outcome never made a difference. But “boogeyman” hunters weren’t doing the killing, so hired guns are ok?
They did the same thing at Cranes Beach. The outcome never made a difference. But “boogeyman” hunters weren’t doing the killing, so hired guns are ok?
They've done the same on Nantucket and Martha's Vinyard. Nighttime shoot using suppressors.
They've done the same on Nantucket and Martha's Vinyard. Nighttime shoot using suppressors.
They allow this shit all over the place, but won't give hunters access to do the job correctly.

They throw the deer away to waste, rather than have hunters utilize the kill and the meat.

This is how our environmentalist loving tree huggers work, they basically sabotage real hunters because they dont want hunting to work. Because that would mean more hunting.
They are disgusting hypocrites who would rather let deer rot than hunters feed their families.
They did the same thing at Cranes Beach. The outcome never made a difference. But “boogeyman” hunters weren’t doing the killing, so hired guns are ok?
Yes.....hired professionals way better than neanderthal hunters.

Just like they hire out lawn service, painters, carpenters and everything else in their lives, most of these rich fxcks view deer as just a shrub eating /car impact/lyme disease problem to be taken care of with money under the cover of night so they dont have to see it.

Whenever I've asked permission from most of these people, the first thing is "I don't want to see it" and thats a pretty tough ask. Typically, i'd avoid those people and tell them I'm not hunting there.

Most of the people I agreed to hunt for were WWII vets, and older ladies of the greatest generation who knew what life is about. Not these millenial fags who have no fxcking idea and think life is a video game, and think that me sending an arrow thru a deer in someone's backyard won't result in a carcass that needs to be field dressed, and might end up in an uncomfortable place, that I have no control of.

Of course they forget when they hit the deer with the Mercedes, the same thing happens. But that's OK..... to "see it" because its an accident and that wounded deer will just die a slow death and rot on someone's lawn until they call the animal control to throw it in the dump.
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Just confirmed meeting is open to the public.
Sign on door says masks are required in the building, though nobody in the Clerk’s office was masked up.
Ever seen Wampanoag people hunt or fish? Ive seen a guy stand in front of a herring run drainage pipe with a large net just scoop fish half dozen at a time, when questioned the young Wampanoag man said "Kiss my d--- this is my land"... So I assume this is a ban on white people and other non Wampanoag races hunting? As they can hunt/fish wherever and whenever they want without any government say? Is this racist?
As he should have said.
If they took federal money at any point funded by the federal conservation tax on ammunition (Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act) the funded public land is legally obliged to allow hunting by the terms of the funding. Can someone check to see if Mashpee ever received these grants? If so, this needs to be brought up that the town would be in violation. Should also be brought up that they'd be potentially losing a federal funding source if they haven't taken a grant in the past.
If they took federal money at any point funded by the federal conservation tax on ammunition (Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act) the funded public land is legally obliged to allow hunting by the terms of the funding. Can someone check to see if Mashpee ever received these grants? If so, this needs to be brought up that the town would be in violation. Should also be brought up that they'd be potentially losing a federal funding source if they haven't taken a grant in the past.
MA was given 10 million in Pittman Robertson funds in 2020. I'd love to know where it actually goes.
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