Am I being given the run around?


NES Member
Jul 16, 2010
Blackstone, MA
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I want to join my fathers rod and gun club, and one of the requirements is a local BCI check to determine if I'm a criminal. I need a dated department agency stamp on my application indicating no record. I find this kind of redundant considering I am a holder of a LTC-A with no restrictions. However, so be it. I went down to the local PD today and the dispatcher kindly (HAHAHA) informed me that they cant do BCI checks unless I'm a police officer. I have to go through the state police website and download a form, send them money, and wait 4-6 weeks for a BCI report. Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

I figured it was as simple as him typing my name in and looking me up. Why does everything have to be so difficult? I don't know if hes just making me go through the rigmarole because I'm young and he has something against that. The last time I went, the same dispatcher was on and he was fairly rude when I asked him something minor about my LTC. I just need a STAMP! [rolleyes]

Sorry, I just needed to rant. I've been shooting at AFS in N. Attleboro in the meantime because no one I know has a LTC or a membership at a club. At 20$ a visit, and the cost of their ammo because my lead ammo isn't accepted, it can get pretty pricey. Also, I cant get initiated at my fathers club until the second Monday of the month.. so I'll definitely miss this augusts meeting, and probably Septembers meeting, so by the time I get a membership it will be October! WOW!

Like my father said... hurry up and wait... sigh.
Find a different club. A club background checking a person with a valid MA LTC is absurd. If you have an LTC that is enough for most. Some may require an NRA membership but thats it.

Why on earth would a club require a background check if you have a valid Massachusetts LTC? Get a new club, one that doesn't make you waste your money and run around doing unnecessary background checks.
Would a CORI form work? Of course if they want that above your LTC what other mindless fun crushing rules do they have?
sounds odd - dad is a member (presumably a member for more than a minute and can vouch for you), you have an MA-LTC - whats the problem?

These kinds of hoops, this early on, may be indicative of what its like once you are a member. Bizarre rules, hours, requirements, etc.
I never heard of a club requiring this. I also agree, find a different club!

No the PD can't legally run a CORI check on you and hand it to you.

The dispatcher was telling you the truth. You need to get the MSP form requesting a CORI check on yourself, fill it out (Notarization is required IIRC) and send it with a check to the address given. You will get the results back within 4-6 weeks.

There are many clubs in your area, go to and check out the GOAL-affiliated clubs, then pick one with sane membership requirements.
It doesn't sound like these clubs are particularly interested in encouraging or facilitating active, responsible gun ownership. I'd move on.
That does sound old club in CT just verified I was an NRA member and had me check a box saying I was not prohibted from possessing firearms...
You have plenty of good clubs around you. Hopkinton Sportsmans, Southborough Rod and Gun, Woodville, Maspenock are all just 2-3 exits down 495.
What this guy says. I belong to Hopkinton. Meeting is 1st Monday of August...days from now. If you need a quick tour and can do it one day after work, I'd be glad to show you around.
Answer to your question, you do not want that club. Sounds like a "sheeple" hunting rifles only club! JMO
You have plenty of good clubs around you. Hopkinton Sportsmans, Southborough Rod and Gun, Woodville, Maspenock are all just 2-3 exits down 495.

all clubs mentioned here are very good options for you to check out. I personally belong to southborough rod and gun and i can definitely say they do NOT require any sort of check like the one you described.
I've recently joined Southborogh Rod and Gun as well. -Nice bunch of folks, nice club/grounds, and safety is taken seriously.

They shoot trap Thurs (tonite) @ 6pm and again on Sundays @1 pm. Those are good times to show up and say hi and have a peek around.

-Just keep going straight, and up the hill, when you enter and you'll find the clay fields.
I will agree probably a good idea to check out other clubs which might be a bit "nicer"...however I will be the devil's advocate against the chorus line of the string of "why would the club want a background check if you have a valid LTC?" How is the club to know its a valid LTC without a back ground check, while unlikely it is not impossible that someone who has had a LTC revoked/etc (209A restrictions) might have managed to hold on to the actual card rather than surender it. Is it likely? Nope, but I've had my share of people with suspended/revoked D.L.'s hand them to me during traffic stops...
Diff is that PDs Prosecute those that refuse to hand over their LTCs when suspended/revoked. It's a "must confiscate" per MGLs.

People get DLs suspended/revoked all the time and still walk around with them. I can only guess that there is no criminal penalty (at least enforced, if it exists) for not turning it in. In fact, many are suspended for tickets/other stuff and it's done by computer and the person may not even be aware of the fact.
Be happy to show you around Southboro sometime as well, I wouldn't put up with such ridiculous requirements. Trying to make it tonight for Trap if I can from 6-9pm.
Diff is that PDs Prosecute those that refuse to hand over their LTCs when suspended/revoked. It's a "must confiscate" per MGLs...

Again I said it is "possible"...however I will "clarify" two points from ur above quote...
1. MGL may very well say "must confiscate" but how are you going to confiscate something someone claims they "lost", even in MA I doubt there is a judge who'd issue a search warrant just for a 2x3 LTC card...
2. PD's "CAN" prosecute, but that don't have to. You think PD is going to prosecute some old guy (w/ demensia setting in) who got rid of his guns years ago but still has an FID/LTC when he gets section 12'd because he/they can't find his LTC card ??? Or the otherwise "good guy" guy who clearly sold all his guns to fund the divorce and says he lost his LTC during his move to the fleabag motel, when the ex files a 209A against him???

All I am saying is there are plenty of "possabilities" regarding an LTC's validity, hell wasnt there just a story from canada about a bogus firearms license opperation up there...
Geez. Someone might get a fake LTC so they can join a shooting club and follow all the safety/sporting rules. Better take measures to prevent that. We have met the enemy and he is...
I will agree probably a good idea to check out other clubs which might be a bit "nicer"...however I will be the devil's advocate against the chorus line of the string of "why would the club want a background check if you have a valid LTC?" How is the club to know its a valid LTC without a back ground check, while unlikely it is not impossible that someone who has had a LTC revoked/etc (209A restrictions) might have managed to hold on to the actual card rather than surender it. Is it likely? Nope, but I've had my share of people with suspended/revoked D.L.'s hand them to me during traffic stops...

Do you hunt off duty? [rolleyes]

this is the most ridiculous comparison I've seen EVER since joining NES. hell, Even the first club I belonged was FUDD and NEVER asked me for my LTC.

I now belong to HSC and they never asked for it either. IF a GUN CLUB is ASKING it's members for a CORI or whatever background check, it should be burned to the ground by the BOD of that club.

talk about a high horse? who the eF do they think they are? all high and mighty.

I'd ask the OP to post the name of this club or at least bump it in the reviews section so that I can tell EVERYONE i Know in that area to stay away. Just like the two clubs closes to me in middlesex county (FUDD CENTRAL).
Do you hunt off duty? [rolleyes]

this is the most ridiculous comparison I've seen EVER since joining NES. hell, Even the first club I belonged was FUDD and NEVER asked me for my LTC.

Either I was not clear enough in my 1st post or you are reading too much into it...I think what that club is asking for is silly, but to have a bunch of folks jumping in saying "if you can show a LTC that should be good enough" I also think is a bit off, because if the club doesn't beleive you when they ask if you have any pending charges/convictions/etc, all showing them an LTC would do is prove you once were issued the LTC (not that it is still "good")...
The club in mention is Wallum Lake Rod and Gun, Harrisville RI. I'm wondering if maybe they need a BCI on RI residents considering they dont have LTC. I dont see why my LTC application wouldn't be good enough.. it has my picture, all my info, and all questions pertaining to criminal history is checked NO. If I have my LTC obviously the app was approved.

I think I might check out Hopkinton in the meantime. Thanks for all the info.
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