American Shooter Supply Albany, NY

Feb 21, 2012
Somerset, Ma
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Just an FYI
American Shooter Supply Inc
1702 Central Ave
Albany, NY 12205

Just off of Rt 87 on rt 5 near the Colonie center mall and a whole pile of resturants and hotels on Wolf Road (and near the airport).

Was a nice little shop. Spent the better part of 2 hrs in there just looking at toys and BS'ing with the workers. Mostly new Fud guns (as most EBR's are hard to do in NY) but they did have some NY compliant EBR's. Two or three C&R guns but nothing that interesting. Decent amount of free(er) state handguns. Nice guys and its evidently a chain of some sort that is conected to a local(ish) range and at least one more NY shop and a Vt shop (so they have good buying power and a steady supply). Plenty of ammo and on the lower level is a fairly well stocked Bow store (if your into that sort of thing).
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