Ammo Vending machine. Let the pearl clutching begin!!!

I also love the irony as someone so anti gun and horrified at the ability to buy ammo so easily, then nonchalantly stores them where anyone could access them.
It’s Slate, so of course you know the narrative. But I do get much enjoyment at her absurd disparity at the very idea of such a thing in Oklahoma.

Been several past posts on the ammo vending machines:
The machine includes an ID scanner, I wonder if they've programmed it for California, Illinois, Massachusetts, and other such states? Does it recognize a lifetime FID?
Probably would be the same article if this douche bought non-organic vegetables from a vending machine. Move along - nothing to see here.
That's crazy. In MA, if you're not loooiiicenced to have a gun, if a cop finds a 22LR empty shell casing in your hoodie or anywhere on you, straight to jail.

Well the cop (new kid) didn't notice the 1k bullets (in assorted powder coat colors) sitting in the passenger seat when I got stopped for speeding in Groton.
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