And this is why our rights get stolen

Aug 27, 2007
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Organizers of pro-gun rallies lament low turnout

In Chicago, organizers planned for about 125 people, but the rally drew approximately 35. The group gathered in a corner of Millennium Park, not the great lawn, because organizers did not secure a permit and park security forced them to leave.

Earlier in the morning in the same city, hundreds of anti-gun violence protesters shut down 10 blocks of the Dan Ryan Expressway, one of the busiest interstates in the United States. Their march along the highway was in protest of gun violence and gun-related deaths in Chicago, and the disruption drew widespread attention - and some scorn, from groups including the National Rifle Association.
They have better marketing. They promote it as an anti-gun violence, anti-gun death rally, which let's be honest, everyone is against. So it's easy to get lots of people. Then they lay on gun-control as the "only" solution.

We need a solution to promote for the violence/murder problem. A simple rallying point. Very focused. Promote it as "the" way to solve the problem, thus undercutting the gun control lobby.

Think about it, while we cry 2A and Rights, they are talking about violence and death. It's it obviouse which is going to stir up people more.

You can also assume that many of those rallying in Chicago have friends and family involved in illegal use of guns. So promoting better enforcement (locking them up) isn't going to get support. They don't want their friends locked up. They want to blame someone/something else, and gun control will magically fix the problem without their family members going to jail.
There's far too little outreach and marketing so most gun owners don't even know that the rallies are happening. Also, the anti-gun rallies draw younger crowds thanks to the ease with which events can be spread on social media; a lot of gun owners seem to be older and likely not on these platforms (think how often Facebook gets bashed right here on NES). Yet organizers don't really advertise the old fashioned way through radio and TV ads, newspapers, etc. Gun clubs and ranges are terrible at informing members about events - either they don't do it at all or they do it with little notice.

The organizations that do advertise fairly well often go to the other extreme and send too much stuff out. For example, as much as I support GOAL, I'm kind of tired of sensationalist the-world-is-ending emails all the time. I, like most, am very busy and, quite frankly, don't have the time to be outraged by absolutely everything. Let me know when something actually big is happening and I'll be there. The NRA is another example of this - just about everyone unsubscribes from their endless emails because no one wants to go through them all looking for one local event that's actually important in a sea of branded duffle bags and hats. Like I said, I'm busy - give me the cliff notes on what's happening and stop spamming me asking for more and more money or trying to get me outraged about some one random moonbat ranting about guns. Maybe GOAL and NRA should have different types of email lists and members can opt in and out - I'd totally sign up for an "events" mailing list but not most of the others. Hell, I even passed on my free NRA magazines because it's just more spam in my inbox.

A different type of example would be comm2a. They hardly send me anything so when they do it tends to be worth reading so I actually do open their emails. That's how it should be done.
.... give me the cliff notes on what's happening and stop spamming me asking for more and more money or trying to get me outraged about some one random moonbat ranting about guns. Maybe GOAL and NRA should have different types of email lists and members can opt in and out - I'd totally sign up for an "events" mailing list but not most of the others. Hell, I even passed on my free NRA magazines because it's just more spam in my inbox.

A different type of example would be comm2a. They hardly send me anything so when they do it tends to be worth reading so I actually do open their emails. That's how it should be done.

I would have to agree with this. I do eventually go back and read the stuff they have sent, but honestly, because I am an NES member, the important stuff is usually very familiar to me from the forum.
I am not very familiar with 2A organizations in Illinois, but do know that like many states, people view Chicago as it's own separate planet.
Many firearm owners are singular and highly protective of their identity. As opposed to a multimillion operation, funded by Bloomberg, Soros, etal; who PAY protesters to attend and provide transportation to get there.

That's true, but I was gonna say gun owners typically have jobs and families, while your leftist is typically an unemployed perpetual student living at home.
That's true, but I was gonna say gun owners typically have jobs and families, while your leftist is typically an unemployed perpetual student living at home.
This is also very true. I can't just take a random Wednesday off to drive into Boston and attend a rally. My PTO balance isn't going to replenish itself and my clients aren't going to push back meetings because of my political activism. Doesn't work like that.
Gun clubs and ranges are terrible at informing members about events
there was a time every club had a goal rep, at least the ones I was familiar with in Middlesex county. I've talked about the massive turnouts clubs would mobilize for state house rallies and house votes on gun legislation before we had social media . these goal reps were responsible for those turnouts as far as i'm concerned. they always gave reports at monthly meetings, had space in the news letters and just kept pounding the message out. I don't know if there's goal reps at clubs anymore. as I got older, I honestly slowed down and rarely attend club meetings. it wasn't a goal sponsored position if I remember, just a volunteer member appointed by the bod of the club to stay tuned to goings on of goal and the state legislature and report back to the members. most of theses guys did a hell of a job keeping everyone informed without the internet. I get 95% of my info from here at nes now.
Take the money and the politics out of the equation for one minute and what it basically boils down to is this. You have to basically be a gun owner to be a gun supporter. Do the math.

The best thing we can do is educate family and friends. Get them involved in the sport. The more of the voting public we get on our side the better. The single best thing we can do is vote the donkeys out.
I'm not surprised at all. In 1994, I attended a rally with a friend on the Washington Mall to protest the upcoming 1994 AWB. There were maybe 10,000 people at the most that attended. We flew back knowing we lost.
Well when they have people flipping the bill for these idiots like March for Lives, the anti gun turds are getting a free vacation and get to be on TV and the way this new generation is they jump at the chance. Usually the serious gun owners are that way cuz they have a spouse and a family that they want to protect that makes them a little older and not giving too much of a shit about walking down a highway. Not saying we shouldn't, just that the time isn't there for people who have a lot of life in general. These "protesters" are usually losers in life without any other prospects so all the time in the world for them
I think part of the reason pro gun rallies usually get low turnouts is because 1) us gun owners actually have jobs. We are just normal working people with families and jobs. Many of the anti gunners can miss a day of college or leave their moms basement for a day to organize. They're for the most part brainwashed kids and young adults and the elderly retirees. 2) Many gun owners believe that they're safe. They say the second amendment is a guaranteed right. Many I know aren't politically or socially active and just roll over when BS laws are passed. They moan and groan, but when it comes down to it aren't willing to actually do anything. They don't go to rallies, they don't contact lawmakers and reps. , they aren't willing to impose change, while the anti gun crowd will take any opportunity
It is all about communication and timing.

95% of gun owners have no idea what is going on. There is very little communication and organization on our side.

Unlike many of "The Moms" the gun owners are busy working during the week.

The main issue is to get the word out. Getting the local clubs to send out emails would be a big step in the right direction. I know some clubs do. More need to. Getting the local clubs to forward the GOAL weekly newsletter, if possible, would be a great step in the right direction.


Just because they bitch, whine, scream, yell and cry, that dosen't give anyone the right to deny others of their constitutionally protected rights.
When the rubber meets the road, an awful lot of them are going to die very disappointed.
There's far too little outreach and marketing so most gun owners don't even know that the rallies are happening.

I agree with this a lot of rallies or whatever, are put together too close to the date of the event and by the time word actually gets out its too late for half the potential attendees to make plans to
show up.

Also, the anti-gun rallies draw younger crowds thanks to the ease with which events can be spread on social media; a lot of gun owners seem to be older and likely not on these platforms (think how often Facebook gets bashed right here on NES). Yet organizers don't really advertise the old fashioned way through radio and TV ads, newspapers, etc. Gun clubs and ranges are terrible at informing members about events - either they don't do it at all or they do it with little notice.

Well, the other problem is shitberg et al have people on staff that run sub groups through other leftist orgs that they use to pull off astroturf if they have to. If the response isn't great enough they literally will buy response or
go through other related orgs to tap into that.

Since most pro RKBA groups are almost politically agnostic outside of guns, they don't have a network of "automatically sympathetic morons" to tap into. 90% of the people that show up at anti gun rallies are
klingons, that don't even have even a half assed understanding of their own platform. Some #moonbatactivism channels light up on social media where someone says "xyz rally on such and such at so and so, let's defeat the NRA !!!!! blah blah blah" and the section 8/trust fund liberal/single mom liberal types show up, and then they drag some people with them, etc. Bloomberg literally has paid people running around recruiting
protesters. Not impossible but it's kinda difficult to compete against that level of networking. Throw in the fact that most gun owners, outside of retirees, are working 40-60 hours a week (even the teenagers!) and then you end up with a self-selecting lack of protesters. In order for this system to change the pro-rkba movement is going to have to evolve a lot.

A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

It actually all starts with insane crap like this. This will get pushed through and no one will say a word. The liberals will get more people on their side. You can’t argue gun rights when stuff like this is going on. We need to start by taking a stand against this shit. Take names and vote these idiots out.
Definitely agree with Kalash. The NRA is the absolute worst. It's not just the emails either, its the f***ing calls.

I would suggest that trying to keep pro2a rallies on topic would also be a good idea. It's not a trump rally or a, "keep mens out of the lady's bathrewwwwwm!!!" rally, it's a pro-2a rally.
I would suggest that trying to keep pro2a rallies on topic would also be a good idea. It's not a trump rally or a, "keep mens out of the lady's bathrewwwwwm!!!" rally, it's a pro-2a rally.
I can't second this enough. I came out here today for a single purpose - to protect my right to keep and bear arms. I don't want to hear people stumping for their preferred party, or for their secondary causes that they consider related. I want to stop the threat to my access to the tools necessary to protect myself and my loved ones.

Especially after the screwjob we just got over ERPOs by the alleged 2A supporters on the hill, if we're going to let ourselves get distracted from 2A it had better be for Art 17:
MA Constitution - Article XVII said:
The people have a right to keep and to bear arms for the common defence. And as, in time of peace, armies are dangerous to liberty, they ought not to be maintained without the consent of the legislature; and the military power shall always be held in an exact subordination to the civil authority, and be governed by it.
A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

It actually all starts with insane crap like this. This will get pushed through and no one will say a word. The liberals will get more people on their side. You can’t argue gun rights when stuff like this is going on. We need to start by taking a stand against this shit. Take names and vote these idiots out.

Bbbbut this is one of those "side issues" not related to the 2A!

Seriously though, how does the RKBA keep getting infringed? Voters vote reps into office who infringe on it. Those same reps nominate and approve a judiciary that upholds their unconstitutional laws. They also hire enforcers with your tax dollars who are devoted enough to their pensions to persecute gun owners based on those unconstitutional laws. The answer is to "vote them out"? How can you vote them out when they keep bringing in more people from outside the country who support their unconstitutional positions and give them votes? It's impossible to "vote them out" without turning off the spigot of Fake Americans pouring into the country. It may prove impossible even if they're denied entry and the ones already here are sent back - we still have the politicized education system to consider, and the traitor media, but that is the starting point, not the 2A.
No telling how many showed up at the appointed time and place and were informed by the Park Service that peaceable assembly to petition for redress of grievances had been criminalized also and the license plate scanners were making a list.
All of the above are valid points. But there seems to be one thing left out.

The main stream media. ALL of the TV stations and almost all of the newspapers promote the hell out of all of these liberal events.

The “news” segments run with it as “news” days in advance.

The traffic segments hype it and make traffic predictions based on assuming “how big” it’s going to be. Showing maos of where it is and running animations with happy protesters and traffic congestion forecasts.

The weather people will mention “80% chance those thousands of protesters at this place, from this time to that time, doing great work for fill in the blank, are going to need an umbrella. And don’t forget your sunscreen and mosquito repellent”. And many will say, “we’ll be broadcasting live from the event come by our truck for some swag!”

LIVE! On the scene! Reporters 3 days in advance, showing the location.. with ominous “will there be blood? Will the police attack?”, “how big will it be? Inside sources say, the biggest EVER!” . Stay tune don’t for our 8nterviews with the chief of police, trauma surgeons, fire chief, city mayor, sewer department, dog catcher, and local store owners potentially affected by this crisis! We’ll also go live to the mother of a potential protester to get her take on this, coming up next!

Every 20 minutes for 3 days...

And if one news van is on the scene, pretty much all have to be and hype it even more than the van next to them...
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A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

A vote for noncitizens? Boston City Council prez pushes access to rights

It actually all starts with insane crap like this. This will get pushed through and no one will say a word. The liberals will get more people on their side. You can’t argue gun rights when stuff like this is going on. We need to start by taking a stand against this shit. Take names and vote these idiots out.

I'm not anti-immigrant or immigration, but this is absolutely bat shit f***ing insane. BAT SHIT INSANE.

If you want these people to be able to vote, the answer is for them to become citizens. Period.
I'm not anti-immigrant or immigration, but this is absolutely bat shit f***ing insane. BAT SHIT INSANE.

If you want these people to be able to vote, the answer is for them to become citizens. Period.
The fluoride in the water, the chemicals in our food and water and air, the fake food we consume, the brain numbing reality buffers of booze, weed, and especially TV all but guarantee the citizenry silently watches while mildly complaining about the destruction of the rights and the country that once represented the greatest experiment in freedom.
The fluoride in the water, the chemicals in our food and water and air, the fake food we consume, the brain numbing reality buffers of booze, weed, and especially TV all but guarantee the citizenry silently watches while mildly complaining about the destruction of the rights and the country that once represented the greatest experiment in freedom.

You forgot the chemtrail mixture.
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