Another Idiot

"Detectives found a .40-caliber shell in the car, but there was no evidence someone shot from outside the car. Police later found a .40-caliber handgun in the vehicle."

Any bets on if it was a "Glock Four-Tay"?

He was probably on a stakeout! [laugh]
If the search oif his car was conducted without a warrant, and if he was not so stupid as to fail to exercise his Miranda rights, and if no one was in the car when the police noticed the shell casing there is a decent chance a good attorney will get the search and the finding of the gun excluded. It was not a case of stopping someone in a car which grants certain rights to the police, and it was obvious the police could secure the car while a warrant was obtained. But, if they obtained a warrant, it's only a matter of what he pleads out to.
Yeah what a moron, this guy could have come up with a million excurses about what happened (fireworks, fixing car, angry cat). Never say, "I got shot" once you bring guns into the matter you escalate it to a whole new level.
Yeah what a moron, this guy could have come up with a million excurses about what happened (fireworks, fixing car, angry cat). Never say, "I got shot" once you bring guns into the matter you escalate it to a whole new level.

Don't lie. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Some people are just plain stupid and like to talk. They make it easy.
Don't lie. KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT. Some people are just plain stupid and like to talk. They make it easy.

You are right but when the LEO asked him why he had a bloody diaper on his hand he would have to tell them something.
What a coincidence! The BPD are looking for a man in connection with a double homicide in Roxbury Wednesday night who showed up at the hospital with a gun shot wound to the hand but left before getting treated. The shooting involved four people, two are dead, two injured. Do you think the BPD will talk to FPD? I suspect that this fellow may have a lot of explaining to do.
Best Regards.
What a coincidence! The BPD are looking for a man in connection with a double homicide in Roxbury Wednesday night who showed up at the hospital with a gun shot wound to the hand but left before getting treated. The shooting involved four people, two are dead, two injured. Do you think the BPD will talk to FPD? I suspect that this fellow may have a lot of explaining to do.
Best Regards.

did they say the guy was wearing blue jeans a white t-shirt and a diaper on his hand....lmao!!!!

That is a coincidence. It will take BPD years to solve this one.
What a coincidence! The BPD are looking for a man in connection with a double homicide in Roxbury Wednesday night who showed up at the hospital with a gun shot wound to the hand but left before getting treated. The shooting involved four people, two are dead, two injured. Do you think the BPD will talk to FPD? I suspect that this fellow may have a lot of explaining to do.
Best Regards.

They will never put it together. That would be profiling![angry]
Police later found a .40-caliber handgun in the vehicle.

Judging by the fact that the firearm was found later, the search was not conducted within a short time. Sounds like a warrant was issued. As far as the sheel casing. A quick sweep of the vehicle interior for weapons is not unreasonable. I've never had one thrown out as long as the search was for items in plain view.

As it was said, you can't fix stupid. But it could have been a lot worse than a finger.
Never underestimate the power of human stupidity.
---Heinlein (Time Enough for Love, Lazarus long character)

He couldn't wait to stop?
I know people who commute to work in Natick from CT.
It was only another hour (if that) to the border.

+1 on JonJ's remark. A closed mouth gathers no feet.
My answer to the LEO would have been...
"I had a boo-boo. I ignored several safety rules, pulled a dumbass maneuver, and am now paying for it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with a sink and my first aid kit"

I read stuff like this and review which safety rules got violated (usually two or three) like:
"Safe direction" does not include at your little finger.
"Unloaded" means it really is. "Remembering" only means you just think it is.
"Finger off the trigger" shouldn't get suspended when field stripping.
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