another letter to Timilty and Rogers - sarcastic tone

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
Here is what I just sent

So with the potential for sweeping new laws for guns in Massachusetts, where since 1998 gun licenses have fallen by 80% but gun homicides have risen by 100%, does it mean that it will be safe for me to walk around Boston Common late at night, down Blue Hill Ave at the same time?

I am so glad to know that the criminals will finally have a series of laws that they will happily follow! After all finally making it illegal for convicted criminals to buy guns will now stop them (side note: I thought it was already illegal for a convicted felon to buy or even possess a gun – I must have been wrong if they are going to pass a law that will now make it illegal, means it must right now be legal for felons to have guns – right?)
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