Another MSNBC Gun story

Apr 9, 2008
Metro West
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What's going on here?

Utah, Florida help non-residents pack guns
Why two states’ permits are such hot tickets for concealed-carry crowd

The one-third or so of American adults who can’t obtain permits to carry concealed weapons from their home states need only look to Florida and Utah — and their mailboxes — to legally carry hidden guns.

Because both states grant concealed-carry permits to non-residents and have reciprocal agreements with other states under which their permits are recognized, possession of a Utah or Florida permit gives non-residents the right to carry hidden firearms in as many as 32 other states — though often not the one in which they live.

Tens of thousands of gun owners have obtained the non-resident permits, and their numbers are surging.

That has helped fuel the larger debate over concealed-carry permits. Gun-rights activists say Americans who pack heat to defend themselves are exercising a legitimate right and have helped reduce the nation’s crime rate. Gun-control advocates say that there’s no proof that gun-toting civilians make the streets any safer and that looser concealed-carry laws are a recipe for disaster.

As the debate continues, the Utah and Florida permits are becoming ever-hotter tickets for out-of-state gun owners.

“Protect your family when traveling!” shouts a headline on one of dozens of Web sites that offer training and help with the paperwork to obtain the Utah and Florida permits. “You don’t have to be a resident of Utah or Florida!”

The non-resident permits are roundly criticized by gun-control advocates, who see the states that issue them as tools of groups like the National Rifle Association.

More at the link.
It's big brother feeling out what the temperature of the country is on this topic. With the Health reform bill passed, they are looking at working towards another notch in the bedpost.
It's big brother feeling out what the temperature of the country is on this topic. With the Health reform bill passed, they are looking at working towards another notch in the bedpost.

Agreed. Like I said in the "How long until they come for guns" Thread, I think they're going to ram gun control through quickly. After November, they aren't going to have enough support to even bring it to the floor, let alone pass it.
Agreed. Like I said in the "How long until they come for guns" Thread, I think they're going to ram gun control through quickly. After November, they aren't going to have enough support to even bring it to the floor, let alone pass it.

Right, In the mean time they are going to try to shovel as much "progressive" legislation through our pie holes as possible.
It's big brother feeling out what the temperature of the country is on this topic. With the Health reform bill passed, they are looking at working towards another notch in the bedpost.

Agreed. So, let's "give 'em what fer" (I've been waiting to use that Inglourious Basterds line for weeks) and liven up the comments section of the article.
Agreed. Like I said in the "How long until they come for guns" Thread, I think they're going to ram gun control through quickly. After November, they aren't going to have enough support to even bring it to the floor, let alone pass it.

They don't have enough support to bring it to the floor now.
It's big brother feeling out what the temperature of the country is on this topic. With the Health reform bill passed, they are looking at working towards another notch in the bedpost.
Honestly based on some trolling on NES, I think we could see the Democratic party soften on this topic drastically in the future to court "Blue Dog" votes...

It seems ludicrous, but they are whores for anything that gets them elected. So, if Portuguise breakfast (whatever the heck that is) is on the menu for 51% of the electorate, they are all over it...

Healthcare got passed so now the uber-left is ready to move on. Stories about CC permits etc at the same time the big news story is politically motivated threats. Coincidence? Suuuuuurrrrrreeeeee.

Basically an attempt to link the 2 in the publics mind. It's agit prop, pure and simple.
Honestly based on some trolling on NES, I think we could see the Democratic party soften on this topic drastically in the future to court "Blue Dog" votes...

It seems ludicrous, but they are whores for anything that gets them elected. So, if Portuguise breakfast (whatever the heck that is) is on the menu for 51% of the electorate, they are all over it...

Cekim, I agree with you w/respect to the politicians - but MSNBC are attempting to shape opinion with this stuff. Expect the RHETORIC from non-political sources (MSM, Bradys etc) to harden as they try to roll back the gains we've made.
They don't have enough support to bring it to the floor now.

Maybe not now with a filibuster possible in the senate, but we've already seen how corrupt these Democrats are. All Obama has to do is promise their state a couple of bucks and they'll vote his way in a heartbeat, whether or not it's what they believe in, or what their constituents want.
They don't have enough support to bring it to the floor now.

especially with many states currently loosening CCW regs, introducing more pro-gun legislator, etc. AS it stands right now, in the country overall, I am impressed with the pro-gun stuff I have heard. I continue to look to MA and find my dreams unfulfilled.
The scary thing is the Dem's don't care what the public wants. I think a bunch of them know they will be done after the next election so they have nothing to loose.

This is the forth or fifth gun story I have seen in the last couple of weeks. Even Fox has had a story.

Forces are aligning. After cap and trade and immigration we're next I fear.
The worst part of that story is they at first imply that people are using non-resident permits and reciprocity to gain the ability to carry concealled where they couldn't normally.

The one-third or so of American adults who can’t obtain permits to carry concealed weapons from their home states need only look to Florida and Utah — and their mailboxes — to legally carry hidden guns.

But as many of us know, almost no state in the union recognizes out of state permits for its own residents through reciprocity - MSNBC even knows it, but they carefully quietly correct that statement:

Because both states grant concealed-carry permits to non-residents and have reciprocal agreements with other states under which their permits are recognized, possession of a Utah or Florida permit gives non-residents the right to carry hidden firearms in as many as 32 other states — though often not the one in which they live.

Also, these are far from the only states that offer non-resident permits, and certainly not the only ones who have reciprocity. Even New Hampshire's shall issue concealled carry permits are recognized through reciprocity.

Horrible spin with horrible reporting. No one is using these permit to thwart state laws, they are merely using laws the states knowingly and willfully established to ensure they are legal in as many places in the US as possible. They are being intelligent, law abiding citizens.
The worst part of that story is they at first imply that people are using non-resident permits and reciprocity to gain the ability to carry concealled where they couldn't normally.
Horrible spin with horrible reporting. No one is using these permit to thwart state laws, they are merely using laws the states knowingly and willfully established to ensure they are legal in as many places in the US as possible. They are being intelligent, law abiding citizens.
What an amazing crock of poo...

So, you are going to take a safety course and then your photo ID and finger prints and sworn statement across state lines to be checked with the ATF and potentially the FBI so you can stick up a 7/11? Yeah right...
Horrible spin with horrible reporting. No one is using these permit to thwart state laws,

The one exception is PA where the Philly police can turn someone down for non-statutory reasons (not sure if this is allowed, but note I said "can" rather than "allowed to"), but PA must honor a FL or UT permit, even for residents.
They're not going to touch gun control before November. It is not a political win for them, and it is not a safety issue. There is no reason to go after it. We'd be better off if they did go after it. Instead, they'll ram the agenda through that has political gains for them such as healthcare, amnesty, cap and tax, etc. If they don't lose big in November, then you better be scared for your guns.

But, until November, you're not even going to hear about it. They need to extend the long arm of government into your health, regulate your daily activities, take away your money, and increase the amount of illegal shitbags that are dependent on you and vote for them, before they can tackle gun control.
Actually, I thought the part of this article that was posted was very fair. And, if you don't read it with a prejudice that it will be anti-gun, parts of it come off as very much pro-gun and anti gun control.
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