another question for the canning experts here


NES Member
Apr 20, 2011
NOT in mass. finally.
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has anyone re-used spaghetti sauce jars for canning? i was surprised to find that lids and bands fit the old sauce jars. would they be ok to pressure can with or just water bath can? as always, i look forward to any insight offered. thanks in advance.
THose and some Mayo jars. I usually use them for things we make to give away. That way I am not having my good canning jars going out the door most likely never to return.
While you can use almost any jar the canning lids will fit, if you're new to canning I'd suggest sticking with Ball Mason jars as they are time tested and proven. There are other "canning" jars available at Wal-Mart and hardware stores. It's been my observation that some of these can crack during the canning process. I'd also suggest you start with pint jars because if you do manage to crack one or drop one, you'll waste less product.

As far as lids go, Tattler makes reusable canning lids. We have not yet tried tham but others here have and those who have used them say they work well.

As always, YMMV.
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