Any additional preps for a "Red Tide" win in November?...


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Sep 10, 2009
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Any of you guys or gals refreshing/adding to your supplies in preparation to this November's elections? I got an itch that if a big Rolling Red Tide comes along, many of the Natives will be restless.

I'm adding more rice and red beans. Love that stuff with diced, pan-fried SPAM...
I don't know about red tides, chances are even shitty GOP like Faker may not get re-elected.

GOP may be over-estimating their popularity, just like Ds did. Swamp level is as high as it was two years ago. Illary is free. The wall building hasn't started and everyone is sick and tired of GOP bullshit, like "repealing" Barry care. What's the point to elect these pukes again? Oh, yes, the old tired "it could be worse under Ds" ... well, GOP already passed a bunch of anti 2a nonsense like that useless bumpstock womit and GOP governors of FL / VT are leading the way. No, f*** GOP and the elephant they rode on. I think that I'm not the only one feeling this way more and more.
So you're thinking "Business as usual"...
Personally I don't see us getting to the point where stores are closed, utilities are shut off, roads blocked, etc. People like to bitch and moan but from what I have seen they are only brave when the odds are very much in their favor. They are being manipulated. They cannot think for themselves.

I know some here have had unpleasant experiences with law enforcement but for the most part I like to think that Trump has played his hand well in garnering the support of LEO's and the military.

But I am also an advocate of being prepared and having plenty of supplies on hand. If nothing else it is for natural disasters. If you are adding to your red bean supply make sure you add to your TP supply in equal measure. :)
I'm more concerned about a Dem backlash if (2020) and when (2024) The Donald is out. There is a massive amount of butthurt. I have never seen people act so crazy and that's when I think things will really get ugly as they try to get even or whatever their plan is. I can see them going after the constitution because it's the only thing in their way of creating a socialist utopia.

Currently I need to clean out and rotate some things. Why in the world I ever thought we might want canned beets is beyond me.
Won't make that mistake again! LOL
I'm more concerned about a Dem backlash if (2020) and when (2024) The Donald is out. There is a massive amount of butthurt. I have never seen people act so crazy and that's when I think things will really get ugly as they try to get even or whatever their plan is. I can see them going after the constitution because it's the only thing in their way of creating a socialist utopia.

Currently I need to clean out and rotate some things. Why in the world I ever thought we might want canned beets is beyond me.
Won't make that mistake again! LOL

yes, the pendulum has been swinging progressively wider since Clinton. When Trump is out, Dims will smarten up and put up a better camouflaged commie in charge. GOP will be fully behind that.
People today seem nothing like the people I grew up with, hung around with or saw on the daily news. That's not to say life was Nirvana, but people were nicer to each other. That has been thrown out the window in the last decade.

I learned a long time ago to listen to my gut. So, I like to have plenty on hand to keep it full...

Besides, prepping is fun...
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People today seem nothing like the people I grew up with, hung around with or saw on the daily news. That's not to say life was Nirvana, but people were nicer to each other. That has been thrown out the window in the last decade.

I learned a long time ago to listen to my gut. So, I like to have plenty on hand to keep it full...

Besides, prepping is fun...

Follow you own intuition, there's no down side to it.

Agree, the angst among the general public is high and lots of shorter fuses today than yesteryear.

Prepping eventually just becomes a lifestyle. I don't find it to be a chore at is fun.
Exactly. I hear every day, twice a day that American's wages and earnings are going up.
Invest a portion of that in your Preps.

Live in New England and don't have a genny? Buy one.
Pantry a little bare because this time of year you grill out? Buy canned goods.
How about water purification? Got something for individuals and entire family? How about something stored in each vehicle?

Don't get lazy now because things are getting a little easier. Get smarter. Budget for and buy Now.
Don't just Survive...Thrive!

People today seem nothing like the people I grew up with, hung around with or saw on the daily news. That's not to say life was Nirvana, but people were nicer to each other. That has been thrown out the window in the last decade.

I learned a long time ago to listen to my gut. So, I like to have plenty on hand to keep it full...

Besides, prepping is fun...

There are many people like that still in the rural areas or areas away from big cities and their moonbat contagion. It boils down to people keeping it real, being real about where their food comes from, trusting each other to survive and not watching too much TV. Mass is thoroughly diseased.
@Jason m - Ruger's new 9mm carbine makes a nice truck gun. It's a take down and comes with the conversion kit to glock mags. The bolt release and mag release are set up so that you can move them to either side. Comes with ghost site and a weaver/picatinny (one or the other) rail. I mounted a red dot on it and it's pretty accurate.

I think that it's likely that Trump will be re-elected and that we'll continue to see a ton of butt-hurt and protests centered around the cities. I plan on staying out of crowds, (I always do anyway).

Living in New England, you should be planning for power outages due to storms, so a generator and at least a weeks worth of food and water is just common sense. I'd stock up on ammo and buy the guns now that you want because mommy Maura is likely to make some more creative interpretations.

I've got a generator in Georgia because we're in hurricane country, water and food for the same reasons. Ammo on the shelves because it's a pain in the a$$ to run to the store every time I want to go the range. Loading press because I'd rather load my own of the calibers I shoot the most of.
There are many people like that still in the rural areas or areas away from big cities and their moonbat contagion. It boils down to people keeping it real, being real about where their food comes from, trusting each other to survive and not watching too much TV. Mass is thoroughly diseased.

Exactly like that where I live except for maybe the TV part for some people.

I live in rural farm country......where the food comes from, corn, soybeans, cattle, goats, chickens, vegetables, etc.

I tossed my TV out the second floor window about fifteen years ago and not watched 5 hours worth since that day. One of the best choices I ever made in life.
Thanks for the suggestion Allen-1, I was thinking of a keltec sub-2000.
I daily carry a g-26 and spare g-17 mags as back up mags, so it makes sense to have a sub-rifle as my truck gun.

I have a single shot 20 guage cut down and packed away, but easy enough to get to and believe it or not meets mass standards of storage.
That pop gun will stay in it's place just needs a semi auto friend.

Most important thing anyone can do right now is to talk to all of your friends and make sure they get out and vote in the primary/general election.......then as we get closer to the election nag the shit out of them

You better believe that the dems and some of the treasonous backstabbing GOP-ers already have legislation writting and waiting for 2019 to do all sorts of "Bad Things"......

Top of the list:
"Assault" and Semi Auto bans
Magazine bans/capacity limits
Repeal constitutional carry in NH
emergency restraining order violations of due process/fundamental rights

the problem is that both D and R are pushing for this. We need alternative, and I am not talking stoned candidate with a gun-grabber VP. After Brown and Faker I have real problem voting anyone with R next to them. There is nothing else.
Long ago I stopped supporting any party

I only support individual candidates......

The NH GOP is at it again.......
Seems potentially inaccurate to grade someone a F, for not answering the questionnaire. Take Eddie Edwards in CD1 and Negron in CD2......both are running on pro 2a platforms, but get F's, whereas Levenson has admitted that he would consider more restrictions on gun ownership...gets a C? Seems more of a butthurt reaction by the NHFC than an actual appraisal of the candidates 2a standing.
They are free to not respond to the survey.....same with NRA.......but with the understanding that there will be consequences in their rating......if there were no consequences then more people would not respond.....
Funny that they give Levenson a C....after he says he's open to more gun control?????? Maybe they are impressed with his duck hunting in the woods vid. Or he filled out the survey and omitted his anti2a views?
My wife is a nurse and the hospital sees a large patient load of people recently immigrated from central Africa. Right now, as you may know, there is another ebola outbreak in northeast Congo. So beyond regular winter prep (firewood, gas for tools and generator, canning food from the garden) we are double checking our preps for staying inside... enough food to avoid going to the store for a month or two. Enough cash to pay the bills if my wife chooses to stop going to work in the event of an Ebola patient there. She went through the infectious diseases protocol refresher a few years ago when Ebola made it to America. She has absolutely zero confidence in her collegues ability to strictly follow those protocols for even 24 hours, nevermind 2 weeks with the added stress of real life deadly hemmoraghic fever. As it is now, the other hospital in town got a failure rating regarding the spread of in hospital contagious disease... too many patients go in with a sprained ankle and leave with pneumonia and MRSA.
My wife is a nurse and the hospital sees a large patient load of people recently immigrated from central Africa. Right now, as you may know, there is another ebola outbreak in northeast Congo. So beyond regular winter prep (firewood, gas for tools and generator, canning food from the garden) we are double checking our preps for staying inside... enough food to avoid going to the store for a month or two. Enough cash to pay the bills if my wife chooses to stop going to work in the event of an Ebola patient there. She went through the infectious diseases protocol refresher a few years ago when Ebola made it to America. She has absolutely zero confidence in her collegues ability to strictly follow those protocols for even 24 hours, nevermind 2 weeks with the added stress of real life deadly hemmoraghic fever. As it is now, the other hospital in town got a failure rating regarding the spread of in hospital contagious disease... too many patients go in with a sprained ankle and leave with pneumonia and MRSA.
One of my biggest fears is a pandemic. Both my Wife and Daughter are nurses in an ICU.
^^ yep, my doctor pulled up a check off list on the computer and read me all of the questions. "Ah, I think you have bronchitis." I thought, "damn, they could train anyone to do that."
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