any gun shops in mass stock dsa fal rifles?

No,they are all special order and expensive for a dealer to sit on.


Go to a dealer you know and have him fax a copy of his FFL to DSA with permission from him for you to do business directly with DSA.DSA's advertised prices are $200 over dealer cost and you pay DSA directly after you place an order..Dealers get no break on accessories,so negotiate wisely. I know of only one place online that has DSA's in stock,but none of them are MA AWB complaint.

You might find a used one at a shop,but they are rare.

I love mine.
Check with Zero Hour Arms (Advanced Search here in Dealers forum). That sort of exotic stuff is their specialty.
In the past, DSA's production couldn't keep up with customer demand ( have no idea if that's still the situation), so even if you have to order one, it might take some time before a dealer gets it in.

From what I understand, the slow pace is due to their quality control and inspection process.

The only MA compliant issue you really need to be concerned with on a non-para model is the flash hider/combo device (which could add even more time to delivery).
Since Greg bought his DSA, there has been an onrush of orders to the company. As Greg goes, so goes the rest of the world. In any event, DSA tells me they are way behind on custom guns but will catch up some time by July 2008. I have 3. Superb rifles. Had well over 25 FN FAL's over the years and DSA's take a back seat to nobody. Anyway, Greg got one so that's the final word in this discussion.
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