Anybody want to talk me out of this?

Mar 16, 2007
HoneyDew, Ma
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I am thinking of SBR'ing one of my boring old glocks into a fun range toy/Home defense weapon.

This kit (KPOS G2) is machined aluminum, has an AR style charging handle, and appears to lock the Glock in very snug.

This kit (RONI II) is made from polymer, and does not appear to lock the Glock in as firmly, but I like the adjustable buttstock and the overall look.
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If you want a range toy, go for it.

For me, if I am going to shoulder a firearm in a HD situation, I would not take this over a real rifle. I would rather spend the 200 bucks on the tax stamp to SBR an AR lower, or at least a Draco AK, and have a useful firearm.
Why not just put a stock on it, without jamming it into a chunk of extra plastic?

EDIT: yea i reed gud, aluminum isn't much better, IMO.
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Why not just put a stock on it, without jamming it into a chunk of extra plastic?

EDIT: yea i reed gud, aluminum isn't much better, IMO.

Rails, man! Rails!

Seriously though, you can mount an optic on these things, whereas if you just attach a stock you still have to use the sights.
Rails, man! Rails!

Seriously though, you can mount an optic on these things, whereas if you just attach a stock you still have to use the sights.


Nifty, but I was thinking more along the lines of an EOtech or Aimpoint. You have practically limitless options with the rails, whereas without the rails you're limited to whatever options are available for mounting to a Glock slide. Plus, with the carbine conversions the optic doesn't reciprocate with the slide.

ETA: Don't get me wrong, I think these conversions are all a little silly. I'm just saying there are some things about them that are kinda cool.
This setup lets you replace the upper with a carbine upper with 16" barrel, letting you avoid the SBR paperwork. Never tried it, but it's another option to look at.

They have one at Precision Armament Werks in Franklin. I've handled it. It's neat, but not what I'm looking for.

If you want a range toy, go for it.

For me, if I am going to shoulder a firearm in a HD situation, I would not take this over a real rifle. I would rather spend the 200 bucks on the tax stamp to SBR an AR lower, or at least a Draco AK, and have a useful firearm.

I had my wife in mind for the HD scenario. I'm not comfy with her using a handgun other than a revolver for HD, and she's not comfortable with the trigger pull of a DA revolver. I want something she will put in her shoulder and have to look down the sights before fireing.

Why not just put a stock on it, without jamming it into a chunk of extra plastic?

EDIT: yea i reed gud, aluminum isn't much better, IMO.

The kits in the videos have rails all around. If this thing is going to be the go to HD weapon for my wife, I want all the bells and whistles IE holosight, light, laser, forward grip. Also, the charging handle aspect makes me feel better than her trying to work the slide on an auto.

I may not reach for this first in an HD situation, but I think it would be good for the Mrs. For me, this would be a fun range toy.
Don't want to burst any bubbles here but wouldn't the collapsable stock make it illegal in Ma?
The flash hiders on both kits are removable, which leaves me with the detachable mags and folding or telescoping stock. Unless I'm missing something?

Some people think that an SBR is not subjected to the AWB, and some people don't care about the AWB.

I actually fall into both camps J/K [wink]
If rails is the only reason to get this kit, I don't get the whole obsession with rails. What the hell do you need to mount on it? If you are shooting in HD situation, do you really need sniper scope and a whole bunch of other crap? A decent handgun would be just fine and more useful. If you need a rifle to for a HD, then you must live in some huge castle that you need lasers and whatever to shoot from a kitchen into bathroom.

So what's the price tag?
If rails is the only reason to get this kit, I don't get the whole obsession with rails. What the hell do you need to mount on it? If you are shooting in HD situation, do you really need sniper scope and a whole bunch of other crap? A decent handgun would be just fine and more useful. If you need a rifle to for a HD, then you must live in some huge castle that you need lasers and whatever to shoot from a kitchen into bathroom.

So what's the price tag?

See post #10. $200 for the tax stamp and about $500 for either kit. I have the other stuff laying around.
I don't know dude, I'm guilty as hell for using "this is not a toy, I'll (make money with it OR it's an investment OR I'll sell it in a year for the same price)"

It's a toy, very cool toy. Come out of the closet, admit it, enjoy it. I don't get it, but you obviously do, so just be honest with yourself and buy the damn thing.

Imagine my excitement when I got a letter from the DOJ on Christmas Eve, only to find out they want a copy of my LTC (For a Trust? WTF!). At least I got a copy out before the Fedex pickup. I'll check back in a week or three...
Lol that's awesome...

Stupid question comment.
I'm thinking of doing the same thing with my 1911 but longer barrel.
Since the mag goes into the grip the only evil feature Is the stock right?
Lol that's awesome...

Stupid question comment.
I'm thinking of doing the same thing with my 1911 but longer barrel.
Since the mag goes into the grip the only evil feature Is the stock right?

Not sure about MA, but NFA items are exempt from any other classification. No matter how extra killy it is, it will never be an "assault weapon".
congrats how long did the stamp end up taking?
also where did you end up buying the stock
i've still got some time on mine, and still deciding
between that and the roni

congrats how long did the stamp end up taking?
also where did you end up buying the stock
i've still got some time on mine, and still deciding
between that and the roni


DOJ cashed my check on July 20. I should have had my stamp December 24, but instead they requested a copy of my LTC. It could have been 5 months, but it ended up being just over 6. The wait times have been slowly decreasing though.

You should also consider the HERA glock carbine kit. - Product Detail - HERA Glock Carbine Stock (G.C.C.) Black (U.S. Only) - $299.00

I kind of wish I bought that instead. I'm happy with the KPOS Gen 2, but cost was ludicrous. It does comes with your choice of a shoulder harness or single point bungie sling, folding forward grip, and a plastic case. The sling is nice, and I would guess the harness is as well, but the case is crap. I already broke it, while stuffing the configured SBR inside. It only has enough storage space for the kit without the gun. For the price, I thought it included a nice Pelican case. It does not.
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thanks for the info i can't use the hera, i have a glock 21sf
they don't make that model for my gun.
i'm hoping for april / may, that would be 6 months
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