Anyone from Connecticut?

Nov 23, 2009
South Shore
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I was wondering if anyone from CT would be willing to verify with Senator Dodd's office the following information regarding his congressional testimony recently. His office website has a statement stating they don't respond to out-of-state email.

Has been found to be erroneous based on Snopes verification:

In a bid to stem taxpayer losses for bad loans guaranteed by federal housing agencies Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac, Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn) proposed that borrowers be required to make a 5% down payment in order to qualify. His proposal was rejected 57-42 on a party-line vote because, as Senator Chris Dodd (D-Conn) explained,

"passage of such a requirement would restrict home ownership to only those who can afford it."

It seems incredulous that anyone would make such a statement in light of the financial debacle that these federal policies has brought about.
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I'm from CT and don't have a high opinion of Dodd, but I am pretty sure he didn't make the statement. Googling found a number of sites like Snopes with info on it.
That statement probably does accurately describe what Senator Dodd feels though..and lots of other members of Congress from both party's...who are pieces of fascist garbage....
First, I can't stand Chris Dodd. But lets be real. If he had said that it would have been nothing more than the typical slipups common when you speak off the cuff.

Far more worrisome is the list of prepared remarks our (unfortunately) next Senator, Dick Blumenthal has made regarding his service, or lack thereof, in Vietnam.

I can't stand Chris Dodd. But lets be real, if it was true, then he just mis-spoke. Even he would not knowingly say something like that.

Far more worrisome is his likely successor, Dick Blumenthal's instinct to lie about his Vietnam war record in prepared remarks.
After a while you just get to the point where you say, "What's the point?"
The guy is a clown, like all the other libtard clowns. Funny thing is, in this state he's one of those guys who's been around so long I swear people keep voting him in so they see somethig familiar.
And then we have Linda McMahon.....or the female version of Scott Brown....Looks like that part of the ballot will be blank for me...

you have to vote for linda. just because we can't have a dem senate. hold your nose, drink heavily, do whatever you need to do. Too bad the real man in the race, Rob Simmons didn't make the cut.
After a while you just get to the point where you say, "What's the point?"
The guy is a clown, like all the other libtard clowns. Funny thing is, in this state he's one of those guys who's been around so long I swear people keep voting him in so they see somethig familiar.

There were plenty or Repub-tard clowns also.
Like the ones who voted for the stimulus plan
like the ones who voted for the financial bailout
like the ones who voted for no child left behind
like the ones who voted for the usa patriot act.
you have to vote for linda. just because we can't have a dem senate. hold your nose, drink heavily, do whatever you need to do. Too bad the real man in the race, Rob Simmons didn't make the cut.

I would have like to have seen Peter Schiff in the race, but thats another thread. Regardless of who is the GOP candidate, its better than Dodd, Blumenthal, or any Dem for that matter.

In 2002 I switched from R to Libertarians. I was disgusted with big spending George Bush. (He grew government faster than any other president prior to BHO).
Now I' m an R again. Better to work from within than to just abandon the party. Need to get back to a Goldwater type of Republicanism.
I switched to R this time to vote for Peter Schiff and Martha Dean...prob go back to Independent....I am hesitant to believe there is much , if any difference between Linda & matter what she says....In the end..I simply cannot vote for her..I don't trust her, I don't like her..nothing about her...The wars, the spending and the attacks on my freedom will continue...If there is a 3rd Party running I will consider them....maybe a Libertarian....Very similiar to the Governor's Race..I simply cannot vote for either of the major party candidates unless I hear a promise to get rid of the personal income tax that ruined CT.. I will never vote for any Gov candidate who does not make that pledge
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