Anyone know where to get Unicorn Droppings (primers) for non ass rape pricing?

$70K in this market is acceptable.

That is what it costs online + shipping + Hazmat ... usually with a limit of 1K or 2K and if you can find them. Ordering online they come in at $100 or over $100.

We also need to keep in mind how much they paid, that they had the balls to order the primers and they made the transaction very simple.

It is double what primers cost in 2019, but, even paying that, I am still reloading ammo cheaper than 2019 prices.

I also dont have hopes of seeing primers in stock for more than 15minutes any time soon.

But when they wanted to charge $250 or whatever the cost was, LOL. That was a pretty bad miscalculation on their end.

Doing a quick search right now, the cheapest 9mm 124 grain brass cased ammo I can find is .33 per round, (box of 500 for 165). Add in shipping and hazmat and it's probably another 20 bucks or so. So call it .35 per round.

I'm loading ammo for approx .20 per round right now, using 100$/1K primers as part of my cost basis.
This reminds me ... I have enough powder for 617 more 45/70 rounds.

But I only have 250 pieces of brass and they are loaded.

I need more brass....and powder.
I'm still looking for 4350 or other good 6.5x55 powders. I'm using Reloder 19 as it stands but in my manuals I don't have loads for any other powders I've got and 4350 seems to be the de facto standard, but out of stock everywhere. I used the last of my 3031 a long time ago.

I found some 4064 loads online on forums, but...I'm always a little skeptical of Joe Forumuser's "screamin' hot Mauser loads"
No it was when they were charging $250 per 1k. That was beyond absurd.
Bit more optimism back when the price dropped to $70 as well. We were seeing very frequent drops at the go-to online vendors and even local stock at Cabelas for less (before tax). Since then availability has not improved and is probably a bit worse. Not sure of the cause, but if I had to guess, the Biden admin's ban on new contracts to import Russian ammo jacked demand for primers and loaded ammo back up and at the same time reduced the supply of loaded ammo.
I'm loading ammo for approx .20 per round right now, using 100$/1K primers as part of my cost basis.
Yup, that’s what it’s costing me as well, even at today’s component costs. I sure liked it better when it was .12-.14 each, but .20 is still reasonable enough for now.
I’m still at around 12ish cpr but that will change once I tap into the couple bricks of primers I paid $70ish for.
Though that will be awhile as I still have a ton of primers I paid $20-$25 per 1k for.
I’m still at around 12ish cpr but that will change once I tap into the couple bricks of primers I paid $70ish for.
Though that will be awhile as I still have a ton of primers I paid $20-$25 per 1k for.
I'm telling you, I got happier when I decided to forget how much I paid for any of it, but you can wait until you get to those $0.07 primers and then forget, if you prefer. Given how many years of reloading I have components for at this point, I'm thinking it was pretty financially dumb for me to buy any primers after March of 2020, but then there's the peace of mind aspect.
I'm telling you, I got happier when I decided to forget how much I paid for any of it, but you can wait until you get to those $0.07 primers and then forget, if you prefer. Given how many years of reloading I have components for at this point, I'm thinking it was pretty financially dumb for me to buy any primers after March of 2020, but then there's the peace of mind aspect
I'm still looking for 4350 or other good 6.5x55 powders. I'm using Reloder 19 as it stands but in my manuals I don't have loads for any other powders I've got and 4350 seems to be the de facto standard, but out of stock everywhere. I used the last of my 3031 a long time ago.

I found some 4064 loads online on forums, but...I'm always a little skeptical of Joe Forumuser's "screamin' hot Mauser loads"
You looking for IMR or Hodgton 4350 ?
I'm telling you, I got happier when I decided to forget how much I paid for any of it, but you can wait until you get to those $0.07 primers and then forget, if you prefer. Given how many years of reloading I have components for at this point, I'm thinking it was pretty financially dumb for me to buy any primers after March of 2020, but then there's the peace of mind aspect.
Agreed. Paying an extra 5 cents per primer still puts me WAY BELOW the cost of factory ammo so it’s not really an issue.
It was, but I also saw price resistance at $70, including one person who took a pass when he could not negotiate a better deal.
I was obviously asleep at the wheel when these were offered at $70/1000, because I completely missed it.
But, for anyone that did buy them and now decided they no longer need them, I’ll happily give you $72.50/1000.
You looking for IMR or Hodgton 4350 ?
Either; I've heard good things in 6.5x55 for both, and my manuals have loads for both. If I had to choose, probably IMR4350.

The 8 lb jug of IMR4064 I got today helps as there's loads for it, but I've heard the 4350s are much more accurate in Swedish Mausers.
Agreed. Paying an extra 5 cents per primer still puts me WAY BELOW the cost of factory ammo so it’s not really an issue.

It's funny. I bought (and shot) factory ammo for years. Grumbled when the price went up, but I wanted to shoot, so I paid. Started reloading because my wife bought me a press and told me to go load after work to decompress from work - and she told the rest of the family that I wasn't to be disturbed while I was in the garage loading.

Fast forward a couple of years and I've got (2) Dillon XL650s, one dedicated to the 9mm I shoot the most of, the other swapping toolheads as needed to load batches of pistol cartridges. Then I've got (2) MEC 9000 presses setup that I haven't started using, (gift from a friend of mine).

Primers, powder, bullets - plus now wads, hulls and shot - and it's still not about the money.

It's about being able to take ammo off of my shelf and go to a match without stressing about it.

I shot 6K of 9mm alone this summer. Pins, plates, practice, IDPA, USPSA. I brought up 7K and I've got a little under 1K left. At the peak prices of $1 per round - I couldn't do that. At .20 per round, that's 1200$ over 5 months. That's less than I spent on gasoline in the same period.

I've got friends that aren't shooting, or who are shooting rimfire instead of centerfire because the cost of ammo is a problem - that's if they can find it.
Think you can do another 21 messages tonight?

I was hoping that primers would start coming down in price by now. Those aren't cheap.

Buy a couple bricks at 90/brick, add in shipping and hazmat - you're around 100$/1K primers.

Not cheap, but pretty much the current market price.

Good news is that they're not limiting you to 1 or 2K. So, you could split the hazmat/shipping with a friend or friends...
Buy a couple bricks at 90/brick, add in shipping and hazmat - you're around 100$/1K primers.

Not cheap, but pretty much the current market price.

Good news is that they're not limiting you to 1 or 2K. So, you could split the hazmat/shipping with a friend or friends...
I'm just being a cheap bastard. I have four more boxes of S&B primers I got for $15 from cabelas. I have a good amount of stock, but I have to start thinking about next summer.
JFC its been 2 years. Come on already. I'm thinking its another 2+ at this point... Hope I'm wrong.
I bit the bullet, errr, primer, and bought some nachos. Same price i was paying at shooters. Got sick of checking this thread every hour.
Noice. I would have done the same if I was low and don’t have time or patience to drive to SO everyday. You could have saved a few dollars last week when Natchez had the regular SPP for $78 per 1k. But you wouldn’t know it unless you use that reloading server app on discord to get notified.
Noice. I would have done the same if I was low and don’t have time or patience to drive to SO everyday. You could have saved a few dollars last week when Natchez had the regular SPP for $78 per 1k. But you wouldn’t know it unless you use that reloading server app on discord to get notified.
I missed that last week because I got stuck in the lab at work, and by the time I checked, they were gone. Stupid work

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