Anyone own either an M&P 2.0 Compact .22, or a Beretta M9a1-22?

Feb 19, 2008
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Anyone own either one of these? Comments? Experiences? Tempted to do the Smith as it has the same manual of arms as my M&P 9.

I really liked the S&W. Compared here to the TX22, which I like more and kept. Sold the Smith.

I have a 22 compact, shoots nice, it is pretty close to the size of the shield. Honestly tho the sig 322 is probably the best 22 pistol out there
Would you folks know how or where one can find an M&P 22? Can’t seem to find one for sale anywhere.
I found it very similar, liked it very much, and $400 vs $250 for tx. What do you see as the difference?
I think the 322 has a better grip, has a flared mag opening, better trigger, is a true carry optic design, and overall quality is just better on the gun and mags, I shoot all 3 mentioned here I like the 322 , M&P, TX in that order.
Would you folks know how or where one can find an M&P 22? Can’t seem to find one for sale anywhere.
I don think the M&P is on the MA approved list. I got mine from a dealer out of state
I think the 322 has a better grip, has a flared mag opening, better trigger, is a true carry optic design, and overall quality is just better on the gun and mags, I shoot all 3 mentioned here I like the 322 , M&P, TX in that order.

I don think the M&P is on the MA approved list. I got mine from a dealer out of state
Gotcha, thanks. I’m not really knowledgeable about purchasing out of state. Can non LE do that?
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