Anyone shot the Glock 30S compared to the 30?

May 12, 2011
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So if anyone has shot both, does the 30S recoil like the 36 from what im hearing or is it less?

and if you have both do you think the 30S is really much better for ccw than the older model?

going from a glock 19 and moving up to the 30 in some form.. it will be my winter gun when im not carrying my 26.
Felt recoil is subjective, but being lighter the Glock 36 would be expected to have more felt recoil than the 30s.
Length of barrel and gun as a whole are the same, 30s .07 oz heavier? I don't really see a difference in recoil.

if you're going for size and concealment I like my 36

30s little wider with higher cap mag
I have a glock 26-36-30 and sold the 30s. I prefer the 36, the skinnier grip makes controlling recoil better, but between the 30 and 30s, it is the smallest difference and not that noticeable to me.
I meant 30 vs. 36. Between the 30 and 30sf there should be no material difference.

Length of barrel and gun as a whole are the same, 30s .07 oz heavier? I don't really see a difference in recoil.

if you're going for size and concealment I like my 36

30s little wider with higher cap mag
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