AP: Gun Control Will Not Come Easy for Joe Biden

Honestly in Joe's fragile state nothing will come easy, the guy is a puppet and doesn't even know it.
Poor bastard should be on a beach somewhere with his grand kids burying his toes in the sand.
They will toss him a kid to grope now and then and he'll be happy.
Imho with any outright bans the compliance rate would be stupidly low....

Gun owners that don’t comply will get picked off one by one. Just like the author of the divorce temporary restraining order thread the other day. He got popped for post ban mags and and adjustable stock on a post ban rifle.

it doesn’t have to be a restraining order. It could be a medical emergency, a surprise red flag order, or even a house fire. Of course if you hid it in the attic, croak, and your wife sells the house you could be responsible for the next NES thread titled “Look what I found in the attic”. 😆😆😆😆😆

Folks may be able to hide theirs and I imagine that many will but it'll never see the light of day again, or at least not one at the range and that's almost as effective as having it taken away.
Folks may be able to hide theirs and I imagine that many will but it'll never see the light of day again, or at least not one at the range and that's almost as effective as having it taken away.
There are over 60 million gun owners and I know many are fudds but if just 1 million stand up to them, we can push them back otherwise the next 4 yrs are going to be like living in communist china. Is anyone watching what they're doing to conservatives right now and they're not even in charge yet? Shutting down Parler as of midnight tonight courtesy of amazon. Delisting the app by google and apple. They're putting people who were at the rally on the no fly list, etc. I truly believe that we might have to break the seal on the 2nd amendment during this next commie administration. In case of emergency, break glass.
There is at least one vocal member here who thinks we will gladly hand them in.

He's so wrong it makes my head spin.
"There is at least one vocal member here who thinks..."

Yup. And that's why he rants/preaches/screams/vocalizes/etc etc etc etc, endlessly, on NES - and not in any State House nor a Capitol Building nor on any TV show, etc etc etc... Cuz he'd be run out of town on a rail and he knows it. So he rants in the only other forum(s) that he can. And NES is one of them. But he does a lot of that "ranting" here cuz it's one of the few remaining outlets/circle of (ahem) 'friends' that he has left.

How many/what percentage of (take your pick) the "outlawed retroactively by the government" weapons in existence (bump stocks/full autos/hell even switchblades etc, that were (and are) in the hands of (otherwise) law-abiding citizens were "turned in" and/or "surrendered" etc, when some pin-headed p*ssy ass Liberals in some towns and states decided to pass laws/rules/mandates/orders etc making them (drumroll) "ILLEGAL!!".. and "FORBIDDEN" (etc etc etc)?

They can pass all the gun control and/or confiscation sh*t laws and Nazi-ish "rules" they want to pass. The problem, the issue, for THEM, is that after passing those laws and/or announcing those new "rules', they then would have to...(drumroll)...."Molon Labe".

Just sayin'
Half the country doesn’t even believe that he actually won the election. And I am sure that when ‘Toe takes over it will only get easier 🙄

She managed to get support of less than 1% of Dem voters in the primary race
yet they are prez and vp. Interesting how that works. We better wake up.
They can pass all the gun control and/or confiscation sh*t laws and Nazi-ish "rules" they want to pass. The problem, the issue, for THEM, is that after passing those laws and/or announcing those new "rules', they then would have to...(drumroll)...."Molon Labe".
Not a problem for "Them". They'll be hiding in their locked offices with armed security protecting them (think of the guy in the chambers at the Capitol on the floor, looking up with fear on his face). They'll send someone else to do their dirty work for them. Just like Himmler pushing for a "final solution", yet when he had to witness it he became sick to his stomach.
Big deal. If he signs an EO take it to court and get it nullified. Problem solved. I trust that there are enough gun rights orgs that would be willing to take it on.
Funny they tried that with the voter fraud.....
And every court refused to hear it.......Including the supreme
They don't need to pack the court with all the roberts on the bench
People aren't going to see which way the wind blows with Joe and the people telling him what to do. People are scrambling to buy what they can now:
Allegedly.... could be more fake news....
it doesn't matter. we are where we are because of incremental measures. They continue to nibble away and it just continues to move their agenda along. And we never take any steps back. Nothing significant anyway.

We need gun rights in the news ever single day. We need to be relentless about gun rights and vilifying the government for trying to take those rights from ALL AMERICANS!!! Not just Americans who exercise those rights.....We need to let everyone know that gun rights are their rights. The dems have a very successful "US vs. Them" argument they use and they are winning with it. That needs to be flipped for the "US" to be the "People" and the "Them" to be the government.

The conventional media will not relay news that doesn't fit their agenda.

You will be banned in a heartbeat if you try to speak freely on Twitter, Facebook, youtube, etc.

The Dems and half of the Reps will never even know you said a word.
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